I would like to group my report by the following groups based on the below database design but I don't appear to be getting anywhere. Any help to get me up and running would be greatly appreciated.
Expected Milestones
Achieved Milestones
Expected Qualification
Achieved Qualification
Funding Table
Product_ID < --- Product code 1 = Milestones , Product code 2 = Qualifications ,
DateStart <--- Expected Date
DateClaim <--- Acheived Date
Units <--- Payment amount
I would like to group my report by the following groups based on the below database design but I don't appear to be getting anywhere. Any help to get me up and running would be greatly appreciated.
Expected Milestones
Achieved Milestones
Expected Qualification
Achieved Qualification
Funding Table
Product_ID < --- Product code 1 = Milestones , Product code 2 = Qualifications ,
DateStart <--- Expected Date
DateClaim <--- Acheived Date
Units <--- Payment amount