I've got a fairly complicated query on the go here, and I might have bitten off more than I can chew!
In short, i'm trying to get daily totals over a period for sales, alongside similar info from identically structured tables showing a reversal, or subtraction of any of the sales.
The sales are contained in the following tables:
tOrders(orderID, uts, discount, delivery, deliveryCost)
tOrderProds(purchaseOrder, productID, prodQty, salePrice, costPrice)
and a link table, tOrderPOs(orderID, purchaseOrder)
1 order can have many purchaseOrders, and any purchase Order can have many products.
Alongside this are similarly structured tables showing necessary subtractions to the orders, thereby retaining all the original info in the orders table:
reverseOrders(orderID, disocunt, delivery, deliveryCost)
reverseOrderProds(purchaseOrder, productID, prodQty, salePrice, costPrice)
reverseOrderPOs(orderID, purchaseOrder)
I've got the appropriate selects for each set of tables working, but when I try to left join them together, it only picks up 1 row from the reverseOrders, hence will sometimes miss it from the sum, depending on the order that the rows come up.
I think its probably a problem with my group by's. I can either get the reverseOrders added up ok OR get the orders added up. By getting all the orders I miss reversorders, and by getting all the reverses I get extra rows in my orders. Is this making sense?
I want it to list sums of :the price for sales, the cost for sales, the price for reversed sales, and the cost of reversed sales. All this for each day. Many thanks.
Anyway, here's the query:
In short, i'm trying to get daily totals over a period for sales, alongside similar info from identically structured tables showing a reversal, or subtraction of any of the sales.
The sales are contained in the following tables:
tOrders(orderID, uts, discount, delivery, deliveryCost)
tOrderProds(purchaseOrder, productID, prodQty, salePrice, costPrice)
and a link table, tOrderPOs(orderID, purchaseOrder)
1 order can have many purchaseOrders, and any purchase Order can have many products.
Alongside this are similarly structured tables showing necessary subtractions to the orders, thereby retaining all the original info in the orders table:
reverseOrders(orderID, disocunt, delivery, deliveryCost)
reverseOrderProds(purchaseOrder, productID, prodQty, salePrice, costPrice)
reverseOrderPOs(orderID, purchaseOrder)
I've got the appropriate selects for each set of tables working, but when I try to left join them together, it only picks up 1 row from the reverseOrders, hence will sometimes miss it from the sum, depending on the order that the rows come up.
I think its probably a problem with my group by's. I can either get the reverseOrders added up ok OR get the orders added up. By getting all the orders I miss reversorders, and by getting all the reverses I get extra rows in my orders. Is this making sense?
I want it to list sums of :the price for sales, the cost for sales, the price for reversed sales, and the cost of reversed sales. All this for each day. Many thanks.
Anyway, here's the query:
select thisday, count(*) as orders
, sum(ordersale + delivery - discount) as total_price
, sum(ordercost) + sum(deliveryCost) as total_cost
, sum(revSalePrice + revDelivery-revDiscount) as total_revSale
, sum(revCostPrice + revDeliveryCost) as total_revCost
from (
select from_unixtime(uts,'%Y-%m-%d') as thisday
, o.delivery, discount
, sum(op.costPrice*op.prodQty) as ordercost
, sum(op.salePrice * op.prodQty) as ordersale
, o.deliveryCost
, revDiscount, revDelivery, revDeliveryCost, revProdQty
, revSalePrice, revCostPrice
from tOrders o
join tOrderPOs pos
on o.orderId
= pos.orderID
join tOrderProds op
on pos.purchaseOrder
= op.purchaseOrder
ro.orderID as revOrderId
, ro.discount as revDiscount
, ro.delivery as revDelivery
, ro.deliveryCost as revDeliveryCost
, ro.reverseOrder
, rop.purchaseOrder as revPONumber
, rpos.reversePO
, rop.productId as revProductId
, sum(rop.prodQty) as revProdQty
, sum(rop.salePrice) as revSalePrice
, sum(rop.costPrice) as revCostPrice
FROM reverseOrders ro
INNER JOIN reverseOrderPOs rpos ON ro.orderId = rpos.orderId
INNER JOIN reverseOrderProds rop ON rpos.purchaseOrder = rop.purchaseOrder
LEFT JOIN tOrders o ON ro.orderId = o.orderId
where from_unixtime(uts,'%Y-%m')= '2005-08'
group by ro.orderID, ro.deliveryCost
) as reverse
ON op.purchaseOrder = revPONumber AND op.productID = revProductId
where from_unixtime(uts,'%Y-%m')= '2005-08'
by o.orderid
, o.deliveryCost
) as ordertotals
group by thisday