Hi, I am trying to to put to frames side by side in my toplevel window. But grid doesn't seem to work with frames. Here's my code:
# Location search fields
frame .loc
set location_fields {City Country}
foreach field $location_fields {
label .loc.lab$field -text $field
entry .loc.ent$field -textvariable form($field)
grid .loc.lab$field .loc.ent$field -sticky news -padx 10 -pady 7
# Search types
frame .typ
set search_types {Hotels Restaurants Attractions}
foreach type $search_types {
checkbutton .typ.rb$type -text $type -variable form($type)
pack .typ.rb$type
grid .loc .typ
I don't get any error message. Wish appears to be running, but nothing shows on the screen.
If instead of "grid .loc .typ", I use "pack .loc .typ" it works, but I don't know how to put the two frames side by side.
# Location search fields
frame .loc
set location_fields {City Country}
foreach field $location_fields {
label .loc.lab$field -text $field
entry .loc.ent$field -textvariable form($field)
grid .loc.lab$field .loc.ent$field -sticky news -padx 10 -pady 7
# Search types
frame .typ
set search_types {Hotels Restaurants Attractions}
foreach type $search_types {
checkbutton .typ.rb$type -text $type -variable form($type)
pack .typ.rb$type
grid .loc .typ
I don't get any error message. Wish appears to be running, but nothing shows on the screen.
If instead of "grid .loc .typ", I use "pack .loc .typ" it works, but I don't know how to put the two frames side by side.