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Help With Errors...

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Sep 9, 2002
I am a beginner at C++ and am currently working on my first assignment for class. I am running into some errors.
The assignment is to convert seconds of travel to hours/minutes/seconds.

My Code:

//Andrew Brudtkuhl
//ComS 207, section b1
//wed, 9am

#include (iostream.h)

void main (void)

int tseconds, tminutes, hours, minutes, seconds;

cout << &quot;Please enter number seconds it took you to get from New York to Los Angeles&quot;;
cin >> tseconds

tseconds/60 = tminutes
tminutes/60 = hours
(tminutes%60)60 = minutes
(tminutes%60)%60 = seconds

cout << &quot;The time it takes to get from New Your to Los Angeles is:&quot;; << hours; << &quot; &quot;; << minutes; << &quot; &quot;;
<< seconds;

return 0;


My Errors:

hw3.C: In function 'int main (...)':
hw3.C:15: parse error before '/'

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
   cin >> tseconds

You're missing a semi-colon...

When assigning value to a variable, it's the variable on the left and then value on the right
int x;

x = 12;
// will assign x to 12
12 = x;
// This does NOT work

So what you want to do is change
tseconds/60 = tminutes;
tminutest = seconds/60;
And the same for the next few lines.

And last...
  cout << &quot;The time it takes to get from New Your to Los Angeles is:&quot;; << hours; << &quot; &quot;; << minutes; << &quot; &quot;;
         << seconds;

You add many semi-colons inbetween the << operator. This is wrong. the &quot;;&quot; is used a line seperated parsing device. This will make you compiler think (in a more visible manner):
  cout << &quot;The time it takes to get from New Your to Los Angeles is:&quot;;
 << hours;
 << &quot; &quot;;
 << minutes;
 << &quot; &quot;;        
 << seconds;

And the << operator does not work that way. So what you need to do here is drop every semicolon in that line but the last.

  cout << &quot;The time it takes to get from New Your to Los Angeles is:&quot; << hours << &quot; &quot; << minutes << &quot; &quot; << seconds;
Oh - and btw. You probably should name your files something.cpp... Some compilers may identify the type of &quot;compilation&quot; used by the file's extention.

.c = C
.cpp = C++
thank you...

changed code:

//Andrew Brudtkuhl
//ComS 207, section b1
//wed, 9am

#include <iostream.h>

void main(void)

int tseconds, tminutes, hours, minutes, seconds;

cout << &quot;Please enter number seconds it took you to get from New York to Los Angeles&quot;;
cin >> tseconds;

tminutes = tseconds/60
hours = tminutes/60
minutes = (tminutes%60)60
seconds = (tminutes%60)%60

cout<< &quot;The time it takes to get from New Your to Los Angeles is:&quot; << hours << &quot; &quot; << minutes << &quot; &quot; << seconds;

return 0;

still getting errors:
hw3.C: In function 'int main (...)':
hw3.C:16: parse error before '='

the compiler we use at school reads .C as C++ and .c as C...
Ah.. okay for the extension. : ) But as for the continuing errors: You are missing your semi-colons. Those declare the end of a statement and must be there. Unlike BASIC or a few other languages, an end line does not signify the completion of a statement...

tminutes = tseconds/60
 //<-- that semi-colon NEEDS to be there

The lines of code afterwards,
hours = tminutes/60
minutes = (tminutes%60)60
seconds = (tminutes%60)%60
Will also need them.
Continuing explanation of semi-colon being the end of a statement

For example:
int x;

is equivelent to
int x; x=12;
Also, you're returning 0 from main, but main is declared as returning void. It should return int. (Having main return void is always wrong anyway, even if the compiler doesn't care).
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