Hello i need some help.
When i click on the button above the text field it dupclicates the pictures, and i don't want that!
I putted the .fla file in the attachment.
And here is the xml code.
And here is the xml code for the pictures:
Here is the link to the picture:
= Picture
I am a progammer.... no realy.
When i click on the button above the text field it dupclicates the pictures, and i don't want that!
I putted the .fla file in the attachment.
And here is the xml code.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Auto merk="Berlingo" sdescription="Dit is geen, nee echt geen test" ldescription="Dit is een langere test" prijs="123"> </Auto>
<Auto merk="Toyota" sdescription="Dit is een test2" ldescription="Dit is een langere test2" prijs="1232"> </Auto>
<Auto merk="Vrachtwagen" sdescription="krte tst" ldescription="Laaaaaaaaaaaaaangge test" prijs="9999"> </Auto>
<sdescription>Korte omschrijving </sdescription>
<ldescription>Lange lange lange lange lange lange lange lange omschrijving </ldescription>
<sdescription>Korte omschrijving2 </sdescription>
<ldescription>Lange lange lange lange lange lange lange lange omschrijving2 </ldescription>
And here is the xml code for the pictures:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<icon image="test.png" tooltip="a" link="[URL unfurl="true"]http://tvents.nl/events/event-netwerk023-borrel-25-maart-2008/"[/URL] target="_self"/>
<icon image="test.png" tooltip="b" link="[URL unfurl="true"]http://tvents.nl/events/event-netwerk023-borrel-15-april-2008/"[/URL] target="_parent"/>
<icon image="test.png" tooltip="c" link="[URL unfurl="true"]http://tvents.nl/events/serious-gaming"[/URL] target="_parent"/>
<icon image="test.png" tooltip="d" link="[URL unfurl="true"]http://tvents.nl/events/ccc/"[/URL] target="_parent"/>
<icon image="test.png" tooltip="e" link="[URL unfurl="true"]http://tvents.nl/events/event-cross-media-cafe/"[/URL] target="_parent"/>
<icon image="test.png" tooltip="f" link="[URL unfurl="true"]http://tvents.nl/events/event-immovator-crossmedia-cafe-13-mei-2008/"[/URL] target="_parent"/>
<icon image="test.png" tooltip="g" link="[URL unfurl="true"]http://tvents.nl/events/picnic-2007/"[/URL] target="_parent"/>
<icon image="test.png" tooltip="g" link="[URL unfurl="true"]http://tvents.nl/events/event-nederlandse-game-dagen/"[/URL] target="_parent"/>
Here is the link to the picture:

I am a progammer.... no realy.