Hello All,
I have a table containing a date field, LastSafetyWalkDTE. Based off of this date field I need to generate a list of any users in the database that have a date in that field older than 3 years from today. Basically, every member has to do a safety walk once every three years. From the query I need to generate a report with names and phone numbers of members that have not done it in over three years.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Again,
I have a table containing a date field, LastSafetyWalkDTE. Based off of this date field I need to generate a list of any users in the database that have a date in that field older than 3 years from today. Basically, every member has to do a safety walk once every three years. From the query I need to generate a report with names and phone numbers of members that have not done it in over three years.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Again,