Ok so I don't know if any of you have used Elite before, but it is a pain in the you know what...anyway, this is what I'm trying to do using CR 9...
It's a Year To Date report that takes in 5 criteria for record selection:
1) Joint Billing Group Id cannot be NULL
2) Matter Number cannot start with 10000
3) Billing Period has to be between 6/03 and 4/04
4) Period has to be between 6/03 and 4/04
5) Period End Date has to be between 6/30/2003 and 4/30/2004
Upon further examination I notice that the Billing Period and Period are Strings and not Dates...how would I convert the strings to dates?...I've tried to use In CDate(0603) to CDate(0404) but it gives me an error "String Required Here"...
Billing Period, Period, and Period End Date all contain only one value (i.e. Billing Periods are 0403, 0503, 0603...0404, Periods are 0403, 0503, 0603...0404, Period End Dates are 4/30/2003, 5/30/2003, 6/30/2003...4/30/2004)
Here is my Selection Criteria Formula:
{matter.mjnum} <> "" and //Billing Group Id
not ({matter.mmatter} startswith "10000") and //Matter Number
{periodt.peendt} in DateTime (2003, 06, 30, 0, 0, 0) to DateTime (2004, 04, 30, 0, 0, 0) and //Period End Date
{periodt.pe} in "0603" to "0404" and //Period
{cost.cbiper} in "0603" to "0404" //Billing Period
since Period and Billing Period are of String data type this is obviously going to treat the range like a number so it is going to include 0500, 0501, 0600, 0601, etc. and I don't want it to SO...how can I convert Period and Billing Period to Date data type so I can include the correct date ranges????
It's a Year To Date report that takes in 5 criteria for record selection:
1) Joint Billing Group Id cannot be NULL
2) Matter Number cannot start with 10000
3) Billing Period has to be between 6/03 and 4/04
4) Period has to be between 6/03 and 4/04
5) Period End Date has to be between 6/30/2003 and 4/30/2004
Upon further examination I notice that the Billing Period and Period are Strings and not Dates...how would I convert the strings to dates?...I've tried to use In CDate(0603) to CDate(0404) but it gives me an error "String Required Here"...
Billing Period, Period, and Period End Date all contain only one value (i.e. Billing Periods are 0403, 0503, 0603...0404, Periods are 0403, 0503, 0603...0404, Period End Dates are 4/30/2003, 5/30/2003, 6/30/2003...4/30/2004)
Here is my Selection Criteria Formula:
{matter.mjnum} <> "" and //Billing Group Id
not ({matter.mmatter} startswith "10000") and //Matter Number
{periodt.peendt} in DateTime (2003, 06, 30, 0, 0, 0) to DateTime (2004, 04, 30, 0, 0, 0) and //Period End Date
{periodt.pe} in "0603" to "0404" and //Period
{cost.cbiper} in "0603" to "0404" //Billing Period
since Period and Billing Period are of String data type this is obviously going to treat the range like a number so it is going to include 0500, 0501, 0600, 0601, etc. and I don't want it to SO...how can I convert Period and Billing Period to Date data type so I can include the correct date ranges????