Ok bit of a long one this.
I want to be able to pull all data from a recordset on the page through via a table as the grids don't give me the formatting options I need.
I'm tearing my hair out going through microsofts web site looking for info. and have tried using DSO from the examples but it doesn't seem to recognise the existence of the recordset.
The information i'm using is held in SQL Server not Access Database or any kind of text file which seems to be where Microsoft are falling over themselves.
So far I have been using DATASRC="#NameOfRecordset_RDS" and then SPAN (or DIV) DATAFLD="ColumnTryingToPullThrough" but it just won't recognise the data.
I want to be able to pull all data from a recordset on the page through via a table as the grids don't give me the formatting options I need.
I'm tearing my hair out going through microsofts web site looking for info. and have tried using DSO from the examples but it doesn't seem to recognise the existence of the recordset.
The information i'm using is held in SQL Server not Access Database or any kind of text file which seems to be where Microsoft are falling over themselves.
So far I have been using DATASRC="#NameOfRecordset_RDS" and then SPAN (or DIV) DATAFLD="ColumnTryingToPullThrough" but it just won't recognise the data.