I want to put a picture on my web page as the main graphic. it's a pic taken at an auction. I want to know what I can do to make it look more creative or professional than just putting the normal pic up there.
I find that with photos you have two options: 1) do a drop shadow or 2) do a cut-out.
Now I always used to do a drop shadow but I think that it is starting to look a little cheesy now so I tend to go for cut-out effects (inner shadow).
A couple of other points if you are putting a photo on the web. 1) Reduce the size of it; no-one is as interested as you think in the detail and if you leave it too large the download time will be horrific. 2) Play with the colours, make it all a blue tint for example, to see what ties in best with the colour scheme of your site. 3) Don't automatically use jpg format for photos; if you reduce it in size and reduce the colours used you may find you can optimize a gif to be smaller (although not necessarily, so play with it!)
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