Hello all,
I have a bunch of files that I am trying to organize
in a better way on my PC at home.
Filename for example is "Name1 - Name2 -
FileName.doc". I am looping through all the files in a
particular folder (named Misc) and use split funciton
to get "Name1", "Name2" and "FileName.doc". In case I
already have a folder called Name1 under c:\ then I
just move the file "FileName.doc" to this folder else,
I create a folder and then move the file.
I am pretty much done with all the code but when I run
my code, I am getting an exception when I try to do a
File.Copy(sourceFile,destinationFile) as "File already
exists". Now I know, there is a flag with File.Copy
that would let me overwrite but I am not trying to
overwrite any files but trying to copy a file in to a
folder so I shouldnt be getting this exception.
Appreciate your suggestions.
I have a bunch of files that I am trying to organize
in a better way on my PC at home.
Filename for example is "Name1 - Name2 -
FileName.doc". I am looping through all the files in a
particular folder (named Misc) and use split funciton
to get "Name1", "Name2" and "FileName.doc". In case I
already have a folder called Name1 under c:\ then I
just move the file "FileName.doc" to this folder else,
I create a folder and then move the file.
I am pretty much done with all the code but when I run
my code, I am getting an exception when I try to do a
File.Copy(sourceFile,destinationFile) as "File already
exists". Now I know, there is a flag with File.Copy
that would let me overwrite but I am not trying to
overwrite any files but trying to copy a file in to a
folder so I shouldnt be getting this exception.
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim TargetDir As String
Dim strFolder1 As String
Dim strFolder2 As String
Dim strFileName As String
If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
TargetDir = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath
End If
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(TargetDir)
Dim arrDirectoryNames() As DirectoryInfo
arrDirectoryNames = di.GetDirectories
'Name1 - Name2 - FileName.doc
' the response of split() ->
'split(1) would be Name1
'split(2) would be Name2 if exists
'split(3) would be the name of the file.
Dim fi As FileInfo()
fi = di.GetFiles
'Dim path As String = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory
Dim fiTemp As FileInfo
For Each fiTemp In fi
Dim SplitFiles() As String = Split(fiTemp.Name, "-")
For i = 0 To SplitFiles.Length - 1
' if length is 2 then I got Name1 and FileName
If SplitFiles.Length = 2 Then
strFolder1 = SplitFiles(0).ToString.Trim()
strFileName = SplitFiles(1).ToString.Trim()
For j = 0 To arrDirectoryNames.Length - 1
If (StrComp(strFolder1, arrDirectoryNames(j).ToString.Trim())) = 0 Then
' directory by the folder name already exists
File.Copy(fiTemp.FullName, strFolder1)
'File.Move(fiTemp.FullName, strFolder1)
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Appreciate your suggestions.