I know this one is kinda funny but, here it go's <br>
I need to come up with a way that automatically 2 days before the end of a project that a email is sent to the person telling them that the project is due and 1 day before it sends them a page to their pager telling them the same thing. Its not just one person. Different people have the same project every week. Kinda like this friday I take out the trash and next friday you. Then the next friday bill, etc....if taking out the trash on Friday was the project then it would email the person who's week it is on Wednsday and page them on Thursday to Take out the trash.<br>
I already have a table in access that has all the names and auto assigns the dates, the project ends every friday.<br>
any help is greatly accepted <br>
Thanx all<br>
I need to come up with a way that automatically 2 days before the end of a project that a email is sent to the person telling them that the project is due and 1 day before it sends them a page to their pager telling them the same thing. Its not just one person. Different people have the same project every week. Kinda like this friday I take out the trash and next friday you. Then the next friday bill, etc....if taking out the trash on Friday was the project then it would email the person who's week it is on Wednsday and page them on Thursday to Take out the trash.<br>
I already have a table in access that has all the names and auto assigns the dates, the project ends every friday.<br>
any help is greatly accepted <br>
Thanx all<br>