I would like to thanks, in advance, anyone who can help me with this problem. To start with, I am tring to query a table, with hours work per day and reasons per day, there are 5 columns each for each week the employee work. I am querying the reasons field looking for text code matches. I am trying to get a list of employees who have 13 weeks of perfect attendence. Holidays, HolD-A, will count as regular days, if marked. I have one query, qryEmployeeAttendenceBonsuses1, which does exactly that and it works great. Sounds easy so right? Here is the catcher and this is where it gets really tough. Vacations, VacD-A and Jury Duty, JurD-A, which are usually in weeks, and I have a query,qryVacJuryRecsPerEmployee1, which does get a list of the employees and the week(s) which they are off. Those week(s) we don't want to be counted, we want to treat them as if they don't even exist. For exampple, normally we would examine weks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 amd 13, if however, there was a vacation week in week 10, we would then look at weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 14. As you can see, I am counting 13 weeks, but less the vacation week. Also, as we all know vacation day(s) may not be a full week, but if they are three or more days, we want that week treated the same as a vacation week. If, however there is only one or two days used for vacation or juryduty then they can be treated like the holiday and counted as a regular day. I have a query, qryVacJuryRecsPerEmployee2,which does collect the employee number and the week starting dates for all of these types of occuences. So, with these three queries up and working, my main problem is how to get them to work to gether to generate the list of employees with perfect attendence for 13 weeks? And to exempt the parameters? Thanks you in advance for any help.