Inserted a Group#2b section and placed the "page header" fields here. report->change group expert->Group2->Options and checked "Repeat group header on each page." Then created two formulas:
{@pagereset} placed in the page header and suppressed:
numbervar grpcnt := 0;
{@grpcnt} placed in the Group#2b header and suppressed:
numbervar grpcnt;
if onfirstrecord or
{table.group3field} = previous({table.group3field}) then grpcnt := 1 else
if {table.group3field} <> previous ({table.group3field}) then grpcnt := 1 + grpcnt;
Then in format section->Group #2b Header->suppress->X+2 entered:
{@grpcnt} <> 1
Do this in order to get the pageheader once per page and it works until I noticed that if the same field value in group 2 but under different field value of Group 1 then
the {@grpcnt} will be 1 in that case the headers are print twice per page
Can anyone help me with this. Please!...
Thank you,
{@pagereset} placed in the page header and suppressed:
numbervar grpcnt := 0;
{@grpcnt} placed in the Group#2b header and suppressed:
numbervar grpcnt;
if onfirstrecord or
{table.group3field} = previous({table.group3field}) then grpcnt := 1 else
if {table.group3field} <> previous ({table.group3field}) then grpcnt := 1 + grpcnt;
Then in format section->Group #2b Header->suppress->X+2 entered:
{@grpcnt} <> 1
Do this in order to get the pageheader once per page and it works until I noticed that if the same field value in group 2 but under different field value of Group 1 then
the {@grpcnt} will be 1 in that case the headers are print twice per page
Can anyone help me with this. Please!...
Thank you,