Technical User
Hi can some body help me with the following:
I am trying to make a prolog file that does a breadth first search through a maze. The maze is made up of rules eg:
path(start, tree).
path(start, car).
path(tree, park).
each node also has a noise level attached to it, the higher the noise the closer to the exit ( a tower) the solution is:
this is the code I have so far (excluding the snippets from above):
When I try to find a soloution by calling solve(start,tower,L). I get an error
"uncaught exception: error(existence_error(procedure,path/3),findall/3)"
I know I get the error because I need to write the findall method but I have been trying for a few days with no luck. Can somebody tell me how I would write such a method?
I am trying to make a prolog file that does a breadth first search through a maze. The maze is made up of rules eg:
path(start, tree).
path(start, car).
path(tree, park).
each node also has a noise level attached to it, the higher the noise the closer to the exit ( a tower) the solution is:
this is the code I have so far (excluding the snippets from above):
sortPath([], []).
sortPath([X], [X]).
sortPath([X,Y], [X,Y]) :- X =< Y.
sortPath([X | Tail], Result) :- sortM(Tail, NewVar),
insertInOrder(X, NewVar, Result).
insertInOrder(X, [], [X]).
insertInOrder(X, [Y], [X,Y]) :- X =< Y, !.
insertInOrder(X, [Y], [Y,X]) :- Y < X, !.
insertInOrder(X, [Y | Tail], [X, Y| Tail]) :- X =< Y,!.
insertInOrder(X, [Y | Tail], [Y| Tail1]) :- Y < X,!,
there_is_a_way(Start, Start).
there_is_a_way(Start, Finish) :-
path(Start, Finish,P).
there_is_a_way(Start, Finish):-
path(Start, Intermediate,P),
there_is_a_way(Intermediate, Finish).
dfsWay([], Finish, Finish).
dfsWay([Next_State | Way], State, Finish) :-
path(State, Next_State, Pr),
dfsWay(way, Next_State, Finish).
smartter_depthfirst(By, Start, Finish) :-
way(By, [Start], Start, Finish).
way([], _, Finish, Finish).
way([Next_state|Way], Avoiding, State, Finish) :-
path(State, Next_State, Pr),
not_member(Next_State, Avoiding),
way(Way, [Next_State|Avoiding], Next_State, Finish).
not_member(X, [A | B ]):- member(X, [A | B ]), !, fail.
not_member(X, [A|B]).
member(X, [X]).
member(X, [X | Y]).
member(X, [A | Y]) :-member(X,Y).
solve(Start, Finish, Solution) :-
breadthfirst([[Start]], Finish, Solution).
breadthfirst([[Finish | Path ]], Finish, [Finish|Path]).
breadthfirst([Path | Paths], Finish, Solution) :-
extend(Path, NewPaths),
sortPath(NewPaths, Results),
append(Paths, Results, Paths1),
breadthfirst(Paths1, Finish, Solution).
extend([Node | Path], NewPaths) :-
findall([NewNode, Node |Path],
(path(Node, NewNode, Path),
not(member(NewNode, [Node | Path]))), NewPaths), !,
extend(Path ,[]).
findall(X,Goal,Xlist) :-
When I try to find a soloution by calling solve(start,tower,L). I get an error
"uncaught exception: error(existence_error(procedure,path/3),findall/3)"
I know I get the error because I need to write the findall method but I have been trying for a few days with no luck. Can somebody tell me how I would write such a method?