This is the field i'm having trouble with, when charting.
Field: WkBeg: [Date Submitted]-Weekday([Date Submitted])+1
Total: Group By
Critera: Between [Forms]![charts]![StartDate] And [Forms]![charts]![EndDate]
I then go to charts wizards, add the fields, %of good parts, Goal of 99%, and WkBeg. Click next. pick the chart i want. then arrange the "Data"(%of good parts and Goal 0f 99%), "Axis"(WkBeg), and leave the Series blank. I double click on the WkBeg and set it to days.
The chart automatically sums everything.
I then click on the chart properities,
This is the properties:
SELECT (Format([WkBeg],"DDDDD"
),Sum([PercentAccepted]) AS [SumOfPercentAccepted],Count([Goal 99%]) AS [CountOfGoal 99%] FROM [r_All_Inspections Types_Internal] GROUP BY (Int([WkBeg])),(Format([WkBeg],"DDDDD"
I then click on the ... in Row Source. Change to the critera to Non Sum by pressing the Sum button.
The properities change to this:
SELECT (Format([WkBeg],"Short Date"
) AS Expr1, [r_All_Inspections Types_Internal].PercentAccepted, [r_All_Inspections Types_Internal].[Goal 99%] FROM [r_All_Inspections Types_Internal];
This is ok for the percent of good parts and the goal of 99%. But it breaks my weeks down to days.
How do I keep the days grouped into weeks while keeping the %of goos parts and Goal of 99% NOT summed up?
Please help
Field: WkBeg: [Date Submitted]-Weekday([Date Submitted])+1
Total: Group By
Critera: Between [Forms]![charts]![StartDate] And [Forms]![charts]![EndDate]
I then go to charts wizards, add the fields, %of good parts, Goal of 99%, and WkBeg. Click next. pick the chart i want. then arrange the "Data"(%of good parts and Goal 0f 99%), "Axis"(WkBeg), and leave the Series blank. I double click on the WkBeg and set it to days.
The chart automatically sums everything.
I then click on the chart properities,
This is the properties:
SELECT (Format([WkBeg],"DDDDD"
I then click on the ... in Row Source. Change to the critera to Non Sum by pressing the Sum button.
The properities change to this:
SELECT (Format([WkBeg],"Short Date"
This is ok for the percent of good parts and the goal of 99%. But it breaks my weeks down to days.
How do I keep the days grouped into weeks while keeping the %of goos parts and Goal of 99% NOT summed up?
Please help