Help w/ a HD – Won’t load WIN2000, get ‘Disk Error’
To start off w/ I thought that I had a somewhat decent grasp of the basics when it came to PCs: what an inaccurate perspective of my skills. I recently upgraded to a 200 GB drive (Maxtor, DiamondMax Plus 9 series – Ultra ATA/133) w/ an OS of WIN2000. I liked it and was happy, until I saw a friend’s XP OS. So I downloaded, from WinMX (I have so learned my lesson w/ that one), XP and tried to install it on my PC, but found out half way through the installation that two files were missing from the software. So I went back to using WIN2000, but XP had all ready converted some of my files and programs, thus making them inoperable w/ WIN2000. I tried, in vain, to get rid of the XP set-up, but could not. I then made the grave error of getting rid of all the data that had been acquired since I tried to install XP. I rebooted, only to find out that I could not get the PC to load Windows. (Later I found out that once XP starts, it can’t be stopped.) So now I receive an error message after it runs the BIOS that states ‘Disk Error, Press Any Key To Restart.’ I bought Norton SystemWorks and tried it out – advice from a guy at CompUSA. So the HD can be read via this software, and it scanned the disk and found no virus, but when I went to use the other utilities I get info that it cannot read the disk. I tried the Norton Disk Doctor utility, but no luck. Then I tried the Norton UnErase utility. The info read that I could repartition my drive, and that it would not alter most of the data, and that this was a safe thing to do. I ran the utility and was show what would be lost if I were to accept this utility; everything in the root directory would be erased. I have tried to access this drive w/ another drive, the one I am using now, but when this drive is on the same ATA line as the working drive I get the same ‘Disk Error’ message. I have a lot of data that I want on this drive and would rather not have to erase it. Does anyone have any ideas/comments on what I can do to get my data and drive working?
Thank you, from the guy that learned not to trust WinMX w/ OS.
To start off w/ I thought that I had a somewhat decent grasp of the basics when it came to PCs: what an inaccurate perspective of my skills. I recently upgraded to a 200 GB drive (Maxtor, DiamondMax Plus 9 series – Ultra ATA/133) w/ an OS of WIN2000. I liked it and was happy, until I saw a friend’s XP OS. So I downloaded, from WinMX (I have so learned my lesson w/ that one), XP and tried to install it on my PC, but found out half way through the installation that two files were missing from the software. So I went back to using WIN2000, but XP had all ready converted some of my files and programs, thus making them inoperable w/ WIN2000. I tried, in vain, to get rid of the XP set-up, but could not. I then made the grave error of getting rid of all the data that had been acquired since I tried to install XP. I rebooted, only to find out that I could not get the PC to load Windows. (Later I found out that once XP starts, it can’t be stopped.) So now I receive an error message after it runs the BIOS that states ‘Disk Error, Press Any Key To Restart.’ I bought Norton SystemWorks and tried it out – advice from a guy at CompUSA. So the HD can be read via this software, and it scanned the disk and found no virus, but when I went to use the other utilities I get info that it cannot read the disk. I tried the Norton Disk Doctor utility, but no luck. Then I tried the Norton UnErase utility. The info read that I could repartition my drive, and that it would not alter most of the data, and that this was a safe thing to do. I ran the utility and was show what would be lost if I were to accept this utility; everything in the root directory would be erased. I have tried to access this drive w/ another drive, the one I am using now, but when this drive is on the same ATA line as the working drive I get the same ‘Disk Error’ message. I have a lot of data that I want on this drive and would rather not have to erase it. Does anyone have any ideas/comments on what I can do to get my data and drive working?
Thank you, from the guy that learned not to trust WinMX w/ OS.