I have 3 fields....Hospitals...Classes in Hospitals and StudentIDs
There are about 10 hospitals and about 10 diff classes in each hospital. I need to count how many students attended each class in each hospital.
I put the Hospital field on the form, and put the Classes on the form and everything is fine. The I put StudentID on the form and did Insert Summary, selected Count, then you select which field you want it counted and grouped by. If I put Hospital, it counts all students for hospitals, if i put Classes it counts all students for classes without considering the hospitals. Now is there any way I can select to group it by both hospital and class? Or am i doing this whole thing wrong all together? Please help
There are about 10 hospitals and about 10 diff classes in each hospital. I need to count how many students attended each class in each hospital.
I put the Hospital field on the form, and put the Classes on the form and everything is fine. The I put StudentID on the form and did Insert Summary, selected Count, then you select which field you want it counted and grouped by. If I put Hospital, it counts all students for hospitals, if i put Classes it counts all students for classes without considering the hospitals. Now is there any way I can select to group it by both hospital and class? Or am i doing this whole thing wrong all together? Please help