I am trying to understand and learn how the algorithm MINIMAX works regarding a simple tic tac toe game.
I found the code below online, and it functions PERFECTLY!
However, I am new to C++ , and this code seems a bit long.
Could someone please help me strip all unnecessary code so I can study and debug how this algorithm works?
Ideally, I would like to supply my own board, such as:
and then just press a key to show the computer's response.
I think if I can see that bare bones code, I can get a handle on how this works.
Thank you, I sure appreciate your help.
I found the code below online, and it functions PERFECTLY!
However, I am new to C++ , and this code seems a bit long.
Could someone please help me strip all unnecessary code so I can study and debug how this algorithm works?
Ideally, I would like to supply my own board, such as:
// Populate Board - In this example, the
// current state of the board looks like this:
// X | O | O
// --+---+---
// | X |
// --+---+---
// | |
board[0] = 'X';
board[1] = 'O';
board[2] = 'O';
board[3] = 0;
board[4] = 'X';
board[5] = 0;
board[6] = 0;
board[7] = 0;
board[8] = 0;
and then just press a key to show the computer's response.
I think if I can see that bare bones code, I can get a handle on how this works.
Thank you, I sure appreciate your help.
// Program Name: TicTacToe
// Website: [URL unfurl="true"]www.ai-programming.com[/URL]
// This is a complete Tictactoe game, it include many functionalities, you can play games
// against another human, you can play against the computer, you can also even let the computer
// play against itself. The A.I is very good, actualy it is unbeatable, the most you can do is to
// draw the games. Also, the game include statistics (number of win, draw an lost games) for the
// current match between players. The A.I for this tictactoe game is an implementation of the
// MiniMax Algorithm, the algorithm was implemented by using three functions, Minimax(...),
// MinMove(...) and MaxMove(...), as you probably may have guest it, the main function in this
// algorithm is MiniMax(...), it returns the best move for the current computer player.
// To be capable of choosing the best move, the program takes time to generate all the possible
// outcomes for the current board position and at the same time, it decide wich one is the best.
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <list>
static const int INFINITY = 1000000;
// declare the possible states for the game session
static enum {START, PLAYING, QUIT, OWIN, XWIN, DRAW} state;
// declare possible display mode
static enum {REGULAR, PROGRESSIVE} display_mode;
// this stucture simply defines the characteristic of each player
typedef struct {
std::string name;
char symbol;
int move;
int game_win;
int draw_num;
bool selected;
bool win;
} player;
void display_board(); // display the current board position on the screen
void seed_random_generator(); // seed the random generator (rand function) with the current time
void get_move(); // get move for the current player, the computer also use that function
void display_result(); // display the final result of the game on the screen
void select_game_type(); // this function generate the menu for the game
void get_player_symbol(); // get symbol (X, O) for the first player selected
void get_player_name(); // gets the name of the current player
void reset_player_name(); // reset the name of the players
void set_game_statistic(); // this function makes update of the stististic for the game
void display_game_statistic(); // this function display the statistic for the current games
void reset_game_statistic(); // resets the game statistic
void find_winner(); // this function finds the winner once the agme has ended
void reset_winner(); // resets the winners before starting new game
void update_board(); // this function makes an update of the current board position
void update_screen(); // updates the screen
void select_display_mode(); // selects different display style for displaying tictactoe board
void set_game_level(); // will probably be be featured in the next version of this program
void verify_move(); // verifies if the current move is legal
void reset_state(); // resets the state of the game
void reset_board(); // clears the board, removes all move that has been made
void initialise_player_move(); // reinitialise players move
void display_intro(); // display some text on the screen to introduce the game
void display_game_progress(); // displays who made the last and also current position
void update_game(); // makes updates for the current position
void setup_game_screen(); // reset the dimension of the dos console window
bool wrong_symbol(); // check if the symbols that are choose by players are valid
bool wrong_selection(); // verifies the validity of current selection made by the player
bool game_over(); // checks if the game is over
bool free_square(); // verifies if the square chosen by the current player is free
// generates the list of legal moves for the current position
void generate_moves(char _board[9], std::list<int> &move_list);
// determin current game state (XWIN, OWIN, DRAW, PLAYING)
void check_game_state(char board[9]);
// makes an evaluation of the current board position,
// the function returns +INFINITY if the computer is winning,
// -INFINITY if the computer is loosing or 0 if it is a draw
int evaluate_position(char _board[9], player _player);
// the three functions below implements the MiniMax algorithm
int MiniMax(char _board[9], player _player); // main function for MiniMax algorithm
int MinMove(char _board[9], player _player); // helper function for MiniMax algorithm
int MaxMove(char _board[9], player _player); // helper function for MiniMax algorithm
static player player1, player2, current_player; // 'player1' represent the first player and 'player2' the second one
static std::string game_type; // 'human vs human', 'human vs computer', 'computer vs computer'
static std::string prev_game_type; // variable for storing previous 'game type'
static char board[9] = {0}; // this variable is used to represent the board for the game
static char cSymbol; // this variable represent the symbol for the current player
static int nMove; // represents the last move made by the current player
int main() {
if(state != QUIT) {
while(state != QUIT) {
while(state == PLAYING) {
if(game_over()) {
return 0;
// selects game type
void select_game_type() {
std::cout << " 1 - play a game against the computer" << std::endl;
std::cout << " 2 - continue with the same player" << std::endl;
std::cout << " 3 - play against another player" << std::endl;
std::cout << " 4 - start automatic game" << std::endl;
std::cout << " 5 - display game statistic" << std::endl;
std::cout << " 6 - set display mode" << std::endl;
std::cout << " 7 - quit the program" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nselection: ";
int choice;
std::cin >> choice;
if(!std::cin.good()) {
std::cout << "please notice that you can only enter integers for the selection" << std::endl;
switch(choice) {
case 1:
game_type = "human vs computer";
case 2:
if(game_type == "") {
case 3:
game_type = "human vs human";
case 4:
game_type = "computer vs computer";
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
state = QUIT;
std::cout << "Invalid Selection." << std::endl;
if(choice > 0 && choice < 7) {
if(prev_game_type != "" && game_type != prev_game_type) {
if(game_type.length() > 0) {
prev_game_type = game_type;
// gets current player name
void get_player_name() {
if(game_type == "human vs computer") {
std::cout << "\nplease enter your name: ";
std::getline(std::cin, player1.name);
if(player1.name.length() == 0) {
player2.name = "the computer";
} else if(game_type == "human vs human") {
while(player1.name.length() == 0) {
std::cout << "\nplayer1 please enter your name: ";
std::getline(std::cin, player1.name);
while(player2.name.length() == 0) {
std::cout << "player2 please enter your name: ";
std::getline(std::cin, player2.name);
} else if(game_type == "computer vs computer") {
player1.name = "computer player1";
player2.name = "computer player2";
void reset_player_name() {
// gets symbol for the current player
void get_player_symbol() {
if(game_type == "human vs computer") {
int selection = rand() % 2;
if(selection == 0) {
rand() % 2 == 0 ? player2.symbol = 'X' : player2.symbol = 'O';
cSymbol = player2.symbol;
player2.selected = 1;
std::cout << player2.name << " will play \'" << player2.symbol << "\'" << std::endl;
} else if(selection == 1) {
std::cout << player1.name << " please enter your symbol (X, O): ";
std::cin >> player1.symbol;
player1.symbol = toupper(player1.symbol);
cSymbol = player1.symbol;
player1.selected = 1;
} else if(game_type == "human vs human") {
int sel = rand() % 2;
std::string player_name = "";
if(sel == 0) {
player_name = player1.name;
player1.selected = 1;
} else if(sel == 1) {
player_name = player2.name;
player2.selected = 1;
std::cout << "\n" << player_name << " please enter your symbol (X, O): ";
if(sel == 0) {
std::cin >> player1.symbol;
player1.symbol = toupper(player1.symbol);
cSymbol = player1.symbol;
} else {
std::cin >> player2.symbol;
player2.symbol = toupper(player2.symbol);
cSymbol = player2.symbol;
} else if(game_type == "computer vs computer") {
std::string player_name;
int sel = rand() % 2;
if(sel == 0) {
rand() % 2 == 0 ? player1.symbol = 'X' : player1.symbol = 'O';
player_name = player1.name;
player1.selected = 1;
cSymbol = player1.symbol;
} if(sel == 1) {
rand() % 2 == 0 ? player2.symbol = 'X' : player2.symbol = 'O';
player_name = player2.name;
player2.selected = 1;
cSymbol = player2.symbol;
std::cout << player_name << " will play \'" << cSymbol << "\'" << std::endl;
if(!std::cin.good() || wrong_symbol()) {
std::cout << "please notice that your symbol can only be X or O" << std::endl;
if(!player2.selected) {
player1.symbol == 'X' ? player2.symbol = 'O' : player2.symbol = 'X';
player1.symbol == 'O' ? player2.symbol = 'X' : player2.symbol = 'O';
} else if(!player1.selected) {
player2.symbol == 'X' ? player1.symbol = 'O' : player1.symbol = 'X';
player2.symbol == 'O' ? player1.symbol = 'X' : player1.symbol = 'O';
state = PLAYING;
// gets move for the current player
void get_move() {
if(game_type == "human vs human") {
if(player1.selected) {
std::cout << player1.name << " please enter your move (1 - 9): ";
std::cin >> player1.move;
nMove = player1.move;
cSymbol = player1.symbol;
player1.selected = 0;
player2.selected = 1;
current_player = player1;
} else if(player2.selected) {
std::cout << player2.name << " please enter your move (1 - 9): ";
std::cin >> player2.move;
nMove = player2.move;
cSymbol = player2.symbol;
player1.selected = 1;
player2.selected = 0;
current_player = player2;
} else if(game_type == "human vs computer") {
if(player1.selected) {
std::cout << "\n" << player1.name << " please enter your move (1 - 9): ";
std::cin >> player1.move;
if(!std::cin.good()) {
nMove = player1.move;
cSymbol = player1.symbol;
current_player = player1;
player1.selected = 0;
player2.selected = 1;
} else if(player2.selected) {
player2.move = MiniMax(board, player2);
nMove = player2.move;
cSymbol = player2.symbol;
current_player = player2;
player1.selected = 1;
player2.selected = 0;
} else if(game_type == "computer vs computer") {
if(player1.selected) {
player1.move = MiniMax(board, player1);
nMove = player1.move;
cSymbol = player1.symbol;
current_player = player1;
player1.selected = 0;
player2.selected = 1;
} else if(player2.selected) {
player2.move = MiniMax(board, player2);
nMove = player2.move;
cSymbol = player2.symbol;
current_player = player2;
player1.selected = 1;
player2.selected = 0;
if(game_over()) {
// set game statististic for current match
void set_game_statistic() {
if(state == START) {
player1.game_win = 0;
player1.draw_num = 0;
player1.win = 0;
player2.game_win = 0;
player2.draw_num = 0;
player2.win = 0;
} else if(state == XWIN || state == OWIN) {
if(player1.win) {
player1.win = 0;
} else if(player2.win) {
player2.win = 0;
} else if(state == DRAW) {
// resets game statistic
void reset_game_statistic() {
player1.game_win = 0;
player1.draw_num = 0;
player1.win = 0;
player2.game_win = 0;
player2.draw_num = 0;
player2.win = 0;
player1.selected = 0;
player2.selected = 0;
// displayes game statistic on the screen
void display_game_statistic() {
if(state != START) {
std::cout << "\ngame statistic" << std::endl;
std::cout << "==============" << std::endl;
std::cout << player1.name << " has won " << player1.game_win << " game(s)." << std::endl;
std::cout << player2.name << " has won " << player2.game_win << " game(s)." << std::endl;
std::cout << player1.draw_num << " game(s) ended with a draw." << std::endl;
// finds the winner once the game is over
void find_winner() {
if(state == XWIN && player1.symbol == 'X') {
player1.win = 1;
} else if(state == OWIN && player1.symbol == 'O') {
player1.win = 1;
} else if(state == XWIN && player2.symbol == 'X') {
player2.win = 1;
} else if(state == OWIN && player2.symbol == 'O') {
player2.win = 1;
// resets winners
void reset_winner() {
player1.win = 0;
player2.win = 0;
// verifies validity of symbols (X, O)
bool wrong_symbol() {
return (cSymbol != 'X' && cSymbol != 'O');
// checks for wrong selection
bool wrong_selection() {
return !(nMove > 0 && nMove < 10);
// reinitialise player moves
void initialise_player_move() {
player1.move = -1;
player2.move = -1;
// check for ending of the game
bool game_over() {
return (state == XWIN || state == OWIN || state == DRAW);
// resets state of the game
void reset_state() {
state = PLAYING;
// clears the board
void reset_board() {
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
board[i] = 0;
// updates currrent board position
void update_board() {
if(state == PLAYING) {
if(player1.move != -1 && player2.move == -1) {
board[player1.move - 1] = player1.symbol;
} else if(player2.move != -1) {
board[player2.move - 1] = player2.symbol;
// selects display mode
void select_display_mode() {
std::cout << "\n===================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "seting display mode" << std::endl;
std::cout << "===================" << std::endl;
std::cout << " 1 - regular" << std::endl;
std::cout << " 2 - progressive" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nchoice: ";
int choice;
std::cin >> choice;
while(choice != 1 && choice != 2) {
std::cout << "wrong selection, choose '1' or '2': ";
std::cin >> choice;
std::cout << "the display mode was sucessfuly changed!" << std::endl;
if(choice == 1) {
display_mode = REGULAR;
} else if(choice == 2) {
display_mode = PROGRESSIVE;
// displays outcome the game on the screen
void display_result() {
if(player1.win) {
std::cout << player1.name << " has won the game!" << std::endl;
} else if(player2.win) {
std::cout << player2.name << " has won the game!" << std::endl;
} else if(player1.win == 0 && player2.win == 0) {
std::cout << "no winner, this game is a draw." << std::endl;
// make updates of the current game
void update_game() {
// checks is the square selected by the current player is free
bool free_square() {
if(player1.move != -1 && player2.move == -1) {
return board[player1.move - 1] == 0;
} else if(player2.move != -1) {
return board[player2.move - 1] == 0;
return 0;
// displays board on the screen
void display_board() {
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << board[0] << " | " << board[1] << " | " << board[2] << std::endl;
std::cout << "-----------" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << board[3] << " | " << board[4] << " | " << board[5] << std::endl;
std::cout << "-----------" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << board[6] << " | " << board[7] << " | " << board[8] << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// displays the progress of the game
void display_game_progress() {
if(display_mode == PROGRESSIVE) {
std::cout << "\n\nboard position after " << current_player.name << "\'s move" << std::endl;
// verifies validity of the current move
// if the player makes an invalid move
// the function will ask the player
// to select another move
void verify_move() {
if(wrong_selection() || !free_square()) {
std::cout << "Invalid Move." << std::endl;
if(player2.move == -1) {
player1.selected = 1;
player2.selected = 0;
} else {
player1.selected = 0;
player2.selected = 1;
if(game_type == "human vs computer") {
player1.selected = 1;
player2.selected = 0;
// seeds random generator with current time
void seed_random_generator() {
srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
// displays intro for the game
void display_intro() {
std::cout << "\n=========================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << " TicTacToe game v1.0 - Gonzales Cenelia " << std::endl;
std::cout << "=========================================" << std::endl;
// resize the dimension of the dos console window
void setup_game_screen() {
system("mode con: cols=99 lines=300");
// refresh game screen
void update_screen() {
// determins if the current board position is final, if it is a win, draw
void check_game_state(char board[9]) {
if ((board[0] == cSymbol && board[1] == cSymbol && board[2] == cSymbol) ||
(board[3] == cSymbol && board[4] == cSymbol && board[5] == cSymbol) ||
(board[6] == cSymbol && board[7] == cSymbol && board[8] == cSymbol) ||
(board[0] == cSymbol && board[3] == cSymbol && board[6] == cSymbol) ||
(board[1] == cSymbol && board[4] == cSymbol && board[7] == cSymbol) ||
(board[2] == cSymbol && board[5] == cSymbol && board[8] == cSymbol) ||
(board[0] == cSymbol && board[4] == cSymbol && board[8] == cSymbol) ||
(board[2] == cSymbol && board[4] == cSymbol && board[6] == cSymbol))
if(cSymbol == 'X') {
state = XWIN;
} else if(cSymbol == 'O') {
state = OWIN;
else {
state = DRAW;
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
if(board[i] == 0) {
state = PLAYING;
// generates all the possible moves for the current board position
void generate_moves(char _board[9], std::list<int> &move_list) {
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
if(_board[i] == 0) {
// evaluates the current board position
int evaluate_position(char _board[9], player _player) {
if(game_over()) {
if((state == XWIN && _player.symbol == 'X') ||
(state == OWIN && _player.symbol == 'O')) {
return +INFINITY;
} else if((state == XWIN && _player.symbol == 'O') ||
(state == OWIN && _player.symbol == 'X')) {
return -INFINITY;
} else if(state == DRAW) {
return 0;
return -1;
// returns best move for the current computer player
int MiniMax(char _board[9], player _player) {
int best_val = -INFINITY, index = 0;
std::list<int> move_list;
char best_moves[9] = {0};
generate_moves(_board, move_list);
while(!move_list.empty()) {
_board[move_list.front()] = _player.symbol;
cSymbol = _player.symbol;
int val = MinMove(_board, _player);
if(val > best_val) {
best_val = val;
index = 0;
best_moves[index] = move_list.front() + 1;
} else if(val == best_val) {
best_moves[++index] = move_list.front() + 1;
_board[move_list.front()] = 0;
if(index > 0) {
index = rand() % index;
return best_moves[index];
// finds best move for 'min player'
int MinMove(char _board[9], player _player) {
int pos_value = evaluate_position(_board, _player);
if(pos_value != -1) {
return pos_value;
int best_val = +INFINITY;
std::list<int> move_list;
generate_moves(_board, move_list);
while(!move_list.empty()) {
_player.symbol == 'X' ? cSymbol = 'O' : cSymbol = 'X';
_board[move_list.front()] = cSymbol;
int val = MaxMove(_board, _player);
if(val < best_val) {
best_val = val;
_board[move_list.front()] = 0;
return best_val;
// finds best move for 'max player'
int MaxMove(char _board[9], player _player) {
int pos_value = evaluate_position(_board, _player);
if(pos_value != -1) {
return pos_value;
int best_val = -INFINITY;
std::list<int> move_list;
generate_moves(_board, move_list);
while(!move_list.empty()) {
_player.symbol == 'X' ? cSymbol = 'X' : cSymbol = 'O';
_board[move_list.front()] = cSymbol;
int val = MinMove(_board, _player);
if(val > best_val) {
best_val = val;
_board[move_list.front()] = 0;
return best_val;