Hello there,
I'm having a problem in using typed datasets in my biztalk orchestrations. Basically we have orchestrations deployed in Biztalk 2004 which need to make calls to a set of webservices that use typed datasets as its parameters.
These web services with which we need to integrate our orchestrations with are C# dotnet webservices that work fine with other clients. so theres no problem with the web service per say.
However whenever I try to add a webreference to these web services from my biztalk orchestration project I get an error saying
"Could not generate BizTalk files.
BizTalk_Server_ProjectName.WebreferenceName.TypedDataSetName.TableNameRowChageEventHandler cannot be serialized because it does not have a public default constructor"
The issue is that the web service uses a typed dataset as a parameter and the typed dataset has some classes/elements that is not serializable (Or so biztalk says)
Does anyone know how one can get around this serialization issue in Biztalk. I can add a web reference to these web services from any other non biztalk projects without any issue. Its only when I do it from a biztalk project that it starts yelling. Can anyone help me out here ?[
Thanks a ton.
I'm having a problem in using typed datasets in my biztalk orchestrations. Basically we have orchestrations deployed in Biztalk 2004 which need to make calls to a set of webservices that use typed datasets as its parameters.
These web services with which we need to integrate our orchestrations with are C# dotnet webservices that work fine with other clients. so theres no problem with the web service per say.
However whenever I try to add a webreference to these web services from my biztalk orchestration project I get an error saying
"Could not generate BizTalk files.
BizTalk_Server_ProjectName.WebreferenceName.TypedDataSetName.TableNameRowChageEventHandler cannot be serialized because it does not have a public default constructor"
The issue is that the web service uses a typed dataset as a parameter and the typed dataset has some classes/elements that is not serializable (Or so biztalk says)
Does anyone know how one can get around this serialization issue in Biztalk. I can add a web reference to these web services from any other non biztalk projects without any issue. Its only when I do it from a biztalk project that it starts yelling. Can anyone help me out here ?[
Thanks a ton.