I did a check on this and it claims that it's BOTH BOF and EOF (you got me how). When I do a response.write on the storedproc and run it in the query analyzer, it does indeed produce output. But when I try to even print out the results to the screen from the code, it tells me: <br>
ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd' <br>
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted; the operation requested by the application requires a current record. <br>
I'm at my wits end. Please help. I've tried everything that I can think of. The storedproc is VERY simple, and is in the identical format of every other storedproc on the page and other pages. Something with the variables is really off, and this is my SECOND attempt to make this page work--the first attempt was a comparison of strings, and even when they were identical they claimed it wasn't. <br>
Here's the code:<br>
Set dbObj = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" ) <br>
dbObj.ConnectionString = Application( "connectionString" ) <br>
dbObj.Open <br>
storedproc = "AM_GetID @Name='" + cstr( Name ) + "'" <br>
'response.write (storedproc):response.end <br>
Set rsObj = dbObj.Execute( storedProc, intRecs, adCmdStoredProc ) <br>
ID = rsObj("ID" <br>
response.write(ID) <br>
Like I said, if I turn off the comment for the response.write and copy/paste into the query analyzer, the stupid query works. It isn't the query.<br>
ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd' <br>
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted; the operation requested by the application requires a current record. <br>
I'm at my wits end. Please help. I've tried everything that I can think of. The storedproc is VERY simple, and is in the identical format of every other storedproc on the page and other pages. Something with the variables is really off, and this is my SECOND attempt to make this page work--the first attempt was a comparison of strings, and even when they were identical they claimed it wasn't. <br>
Here's the code:<br>
Set dbObj = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" ) <br>
dbObj.ConnectionString = Application( "connectionString" ) <br>
dbObj.Open <br>
storedproc = "AM_GetID @Name='" + cstr( Name ) + "'" <br>
'response.write (storedproc):response.end <br>
Set rsObj = dbObj.Execute( storedProc, intRecs, adCmdStoredProc ) <br>
ID = rsObj("ID" <br>
response.write(ID) <br>
Like I said, if I turn off the comment for the response.write and copy/paste into the query analyzer, the stupid query works. It isn't the query.<br>