Working on a report and I need to show a chart with current year to date sales figures along with the 3 previous years on the same chart. The x-axis needs to show months, the y-axis needs to show $ and the chart needs to show 4 lines of data, one for each year. It's working but the x-axis is showing every month individually. I tried using the "month" formula below and setting the On change of value to "month" using a specified sort order and it only shows 2007 data on the chart...all other months/years show $0.00. Any ideas?
dim temp1
temp1 = Month({SalesClass.RecDate})
Select Case temp1
Case 1
formula = "January"
Case 2
formula = "February"
Case 3
formula = "March"
Case 4
formula = "April"
Case 5
formula = "May"
Case 6
formula = "June"
Case 7
formula = "July"
Case 8
formula = "August"
Case 9
formula = "September"
Case 10
formula = "October"
Case 11
formula = "November"
Case 12
formula = "December"
End Select
dim temp1
temp1 = Month({SalesClass.RecDate})
Select Case temp1
Case 1
formula = "January"
Case 2
formula = "February"
Case 3
formula = "March"
Case 4
formula = "April"
Case 5
formula = "May"
Case 6
formula = "June"
Case 7
formula = "July"
Case 8
formula = "August"
Case 9
formula = "September"
Case 10
formula = "October"
Case 11
formula = "November"
Case 12
formula = "December"
End Select