I could use a little assistance here if you don't mind. I am trying to pass a value on to another page by using dynamic content. I can do it by hard coding but just not dynamically.
Here's what I got. I am populating a table on my page from a field (mname) in my database. I have it set as clickable to go to another page. I am using CS Action to do this as i am using frames. might not be the best way to do it but all i can work with at this time.
This is my statement which populates the table:
<td><font size="1"><font size="2"><a onclick="CSAction(new Array(/*CMP*/'C24BCE2'));return CSClickReturn();" href="#" csclick="C24BCE2"><?php echo $MemberList->Value("mname")?></a></font></font></td>
My CSACtion line:
CSAct[/*CMP*/ 'C24BCE2'] = new Array(CSPAKtrg2frames,'MemberInfo',/*URL*/ 'MemberInfo.php?name={desired value here}','Stats',/*URL*/ 'MemberStats.php');
Upon clicking the desired name, i need to pass that value to the other page to pull in more information.
did i confuse anyone as much as i have confused myself? Please let me know if you need more information....thank you very much
Here's what I got. I am populating a table on my page from a field (mname) in my database. I have it set as clickable to go to another page. I am using CS Action to do this as i am using frames. might not be the best way to do it but all i can work with at this time.
This is my statement which populates the table:
<td><font size="1"><font size="2"><a onclick="CSAction(new Array(/*CMP*/'C24BCE2'));return CSClickReturn();" href="#" csclick="C24BCE2"><?php echo $MemberList->Value("mname")?></a></font></font></td>
My CSACtion line:
CSAct[/*CMP*/ 'C24BCE2'] = new Array(CSPAKtrg2frames,'MemberInfo',/*URL*/ 'MemberInfo.php?name={desired value here}','Stats',/*URL*/ 'MemberStats.php');
Upon clicking the desired name, i need to pass that value to the other page to pull in more information.
did i confuse anyone as much as i have confused myself? Please let me know if you need more information....thank you very much