I need help printing a Microsoft access 2000 report from vb 6.0. I have been using the crystal reports that is shipped with visual basic 5.0 and access 97 as my database, but we’ve switched to office 2000 and vb 6.0. The crystal reports that came with vb 5.0 doesn’t work well with access 2000. Microsoft packaged Crystal Reports with vb 6.0, but it doesn’t work at all with access 2000. So I’m left with trying to print an access 2000 report from a vb 6.0 application. I would like to keep the user from having to move from vb to open access then having to find the correct report to print. So please if you have any suggestions on how I can do this I would be for ever in your debt. I tried using the vb 6.0 reports generator, but it’s too basic.