You first need to have console access to the PIX. Plan on rebooting the PIX twice during this process. Should take about 20 minutes or so....
Here's an overview:
1) Go to Cisco's web site and get the appropriate password image file. The file should be named np<xy>.bin. "XY" is the value that represents the version of software your PIX is running.
2) Put the above file on a TFTP server (
3) Get into Monitor Mode on your PIX. To do this, reboot your PIX, then hit BREAK or ESC (whichever key to interrupt the flash boot). The PIX prompt should read "monitor>"
4) Now you will need to configure your PIX to look at the interface where the TFTP server is on. This will *not* mess up the configuration your PIX runs when it is running FOS. Here's some syntax, in the proper order...
a) interface [interface number where tftp server is on]
b) address <interface #'s IP>
c) gateway <router's IP addy>
d) server <tftp server IP>
e) file <name of npxy.bin>
f) ping <dest. ip addy>
5) Start downloading the npxy file from the TFTP server. Syntax as follows:
a) tftp npxy.bin@<tftp server IP>
You will see the file was received, along with time stamps, flash versions, etc. The next prompt will ask if you want to erase the passwords. Answer "y." If you want to abort, answer "n."
Next prompt will ask if you want to remove the commands listed from the above config. Answer "y."
Reboot the PIX again. All configuration you did in Montiro mode will be gone, but your config in FOS is fine. Re-set your passwords and move on.
Let me know how this works.
Good luck!
"small change can often be found under seat cushions"
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