Win 2000 Quark 6.0
I am trying to do a preflight on a piece of work and want to make sure I am only using real fonts so that there is no problems in pre-press. My problem is this: how do I tell if a font is a real font or a contol palette effect. When I highlight the text in question (Frutiger 45) Adobe I think. Quark shows the button is highlighted.
In the useage, the PostScript Name: Frutiger-LightItalic is indicated. Am I using a true font? and how can I tell the difference. Frutiger 45 is the only option in the fonts menu. What gives?
I am trying to do a preflight on a piece of work and want to make sure I am only using real fonts so that there is no problems in pre-press. My problem is this: how do I tell if a font is a real font or a contol palette effect. When I highlight the text in question (Frutiger 45) Adobe I think. Quark shows the button is highlighted.
In the useage, the PostScript Name: Frutiger-LightItalic is indicated. Am I using a true font? and how can I tell the difference. Frutiger 45 is the only option in the fonts menu. What gives?