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Help Please!

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Dec 21, 2001
..I'm a total newbie to Visual Basic but from what i've already read i quite like it. I've read manuals such as the idiots guide to.. and various internet tutorials but they dont seem to teach anything beyond coding inside the VB workspace, let me explain;

I want to write programs that coincide with other programs but how do i reference things outside the VB area?

for example, say if i wanted to write a simple program that detects wether or not a browser window is currently open (in windows) how would i go about it.



I think you have to look for some information about writing a DLL. DLL's work outside VB and they can work completely independent.
It's not easy to explain but i'll try with an example.
Start VB and start a new project, make sure that you choose an ActiveX DLL.
Write a simple program where you can retrieve and input some data.
Then in the file-menu click 'Make Project1.DLL'.
Now open Word and goto Visual Basic Editor.
In the Menu Extra click on References.
In the list that will show up look for your projectname and mark it.
Now in the VBA-environment from Word all the objects and it's properties from your own written DLL are availble.

I hope you understand the trick behind this but as I told you it's not easy to explain and you must look for some information to understand it all.

Hope I've been helpfull


You're never to old to learn but the older I get the more I forget.

The other area that I would suggest that you look into is the Windows API. The API opens lots of doors and additional functionality. And you will find on this board many examples of how API calls are used for specific issues.

A good starting point might be the following site:

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
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