I'm wanting to create a database where i can index a newspaper. I want to include, Article title, Issue no., Volume no., Date, Personal name, and Subject. Do I include all of these in one table? Or, have Article title, date, issue, volume as one table and then have Personal name, date, issue, volume as another table and link them that way?? I may have a bunch of subjects for one article title or more than one personal name for each issue. I'm new at this - only done address databases so i'm in need of some help. thanks so much!
I'm wanting to create a database where i can index a newspaper. I want to include, Article title, Issue no., Volume no., Date, Personal name, and Subject. Do I include all of these in one table? Or, have Article title, date, issue, volume as one table and then have Personal name, date, issue, volume as another table and link them that way?? I may have a bunch of subjects for one article title or more than one personal name for each issue. I'm new at this - only done address databases so i'm in need of some help. thanks so much!