I have a script query.asp that produces popup calendars to fill in the fields with dates and then click on submit
and here is the code for the results.asp
Dim strBeginDate
Dim strEndDate
strBeginDate = request.querystring("beginningdate"
strEndDate = request.querystring("enddate"
Dim oRSp
Set oRSp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
SQLtxt= "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (((test.Date) Between #"& strBeginDate & "# And #"&strEndDate&"#));"
oRSp.Open SQLtxt, "DSN=test"
Response.Write "<TABLE BORDER=1><TR>"
'Header Row
For Each oHeader in oRSp.Fields
Response.Write "<TH>" & oHeader.name & "</TH>"
Response.Write "</TR><TR><TD>"
'Data Rows
Response.Write oRSp.GetString ,,"</TD><TD>","</TD></TR><TR><TD>"
Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>"
Set oRSp = nothing
I wanted to get the dates which I do and then produce a spreadsheet like table which I got here. So here is my two things:
1) where do I add so at the end of each row there is a hyperlink to call up my form where this information was entered in and opens it filling the fields with the information from the database?
2) Just curious how do you still draw the lines even if the field is blank I am curious since it will not do a complete when there may be some empty fields since not all fields are required.
Any suggestions be appreciated. Have a great day.
and here is the code for the results.asp
Dim strBeginDate
Dim strEndDate
strBeginDate = request.querystring("beginningdate"
strEndDate = request.querystring("enddate"
Dim oRSp
Set oRSp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
SQLtxt= "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (((test.Date) Between #"& strBeginDate & "# And #"&strEndDate&"#));"
oRSp.Open SQLtxt, "DSN=test"
Response.Write "<TABLE BORDER=1><TR>"
'Header Row
For Each oHeader in oRSp.Fields
Response.Write "<TH>" & oHeader.name & "</TH>"
Response.Write "</TR><TR><TD>"
'Data Rows
Response.Write oRSp.GetString ,,"</TD><TD>","</TD></TR><TR><TD>"
Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>"
Set oRSp = nothing
I wanted to get the dates which I do and then produce a spreadsheet like table which I got here. So here is my two things:
1) where do I add so at the end of each row there is a hyperlink to call up my form where this information was entered in and opens it filling the fields with the information from the database?
2) Just curious how do you still draw the lines even if the field is blank I am curious since it will not do a complete when there may be some empty fields since not all fields are required.
Any suggestions be appreciated. Have a great day.