Hi. I'm new to mySql.
Are about to launch a site i a month or so.
I'm looking for a good and secure way to let my customers access the mySql database through my ASP-pages.
They will have to be able to Select, Insert, Update and Delete records in the database through my ASP-pages.
Have read the mySql reference manual and I have understood that I have to grant "Select, Insert, Update and Delete" privileges to these users (user).
But how do I deal with connecting the users to the mySql database? I would really not have to create a new user for every of my customers if I do not have to do it!!!
Should I create one user in the database with the privileges mentioned above and in .my.cnf file set the parameters like this: (if the user was online-asp-users and password was the-password?
And in my ASP-pages that need to interact with the database use this connection string:
BUT NOT GIVING THE uid and pwd parameters...
Will this work? Or is there other and better ways to let my customers access the database through ASP-files? And without creating a different user and userprivileges in the mySql database for each of my customers. (I have another table for customers and in that userid and password for each customer.)
strConnection = "driver={MySQL};server=host_name;database=THE_MYSQL_DB;option=NUM"
Set adoDataConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
adoDataConn.Open strConnection
(I will have my mySql database on an ISP that uses a linux server.)
Are about to launch a site i a month or so.
I'm looking for a good and secure way to let my customers access the mySql database through my ASP-pages.
They will have to be able to Select, Insert, Update and Delete records in the database through my ASP-pages.
Have read the mySql reference manual and I have understood that I have to grant "Select, Insert, Update and Delete" privileges to these users (user).
But how do I deal with connecting the users to the mySql database? I would really not have to create a new user for every of my customers if I do not have to do it!!!
Should I create one user in the database with the privileges mentioned above and in .my.cnf file set the parameters like this: (if the user was online-asp-users and password was the-password?
And in my ASP-pages that need to interact with the database use this connection string:
BUT NOT GIVING THE uid and pwd parameters...
Will this work? Or is there other and better ways to let my customers access the database through ASP-files? And without creating a different user and userprivileges in the mySql database for each of my customers. (I have another table for customers and in that userid and password for each customer.)
strConnection = "driver={MySQL};server=host_name;database=THE_MYSQL_DB;option=NUM"
Set adoDataConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
adoDataConn.Open strConnection
(I will have my mySql database on an ISP that uses a linux server.)