Hi everybody,<br>I have a problem using the procedure UTL_FILE.GET_LINE.<br>My ORACLE version is 8i. Here's the problem:<br>I want to open a textfile which contains several lines; it looks like this:<br>item1 item2 item3 <br>item4 item5 item6 <br>item7 item8 item9 <br><br>I want to store the items in different tables. Therefore,<br>I first open the file: <br>fileHandler := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(location, textfile, 'r').<br>Then, I use UTL_FILE.GET_LINE(fileHandler, outbuf).<br>But outbuf will only contain the first line, that is <br>'item1 item2 item3'. How can I access the other lines?<br>Many thanks for your help!<br>Cheers,<br>Dan