Is there anyone who han any idea why this script act weird when I'm not logged on to the server where it's scheduled on a one minute basis. ?
If I schedule a script that quits right away, it runs perfectly, so it must by my script.
It uses my username and password in the scheduled task, the same as I sign on with.
What I see is the following:
When I'm logged off the W2003 server, it starts the task in windows scheduler, which never ends, it just stays active. As you can see in the script I added a lot of logging, but it didn't even started to log, when I'm not signed on. If i sign on and ends the task, it resumes a normal cycle again and completes on a one minute basis. It's important information, that I don't see any GUI when it runs in the scheduler, so I assume that can't be the reason. But as soon as I log off again, it get's stuck again.
' VBS Script Generated by JABPE
' Generated at: 15-11-2007
' Create TEConnection object
Set MySite = CreateObject("CuteFTPPro.TEConnection")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Initialize remote server host name, protocol, port, etc.
MySite.Host = ""
MySite.Protocol = "FTP"
MySite.Port = 21
MySite.Retries = 30
MySite.Delay = 30
MySite.MaxConnections = 4
MySite.TransferType = "AUTO"
MySite.DataChannel = "PORT"
MySite.AutoRename = "OFF"
' WARNING!!! SENSITIVE DATA: user name and password.
MySite.Login = "user"
MySite.Password = "password"
MySite.SocksInfo = ""
MySite.ProxyInfo = ""
'If script is already running, then terminate
If Not fso.FileExists(listfilename) Then
Call BuildListFile
' Connect to the site
If Err.number <> 0 Then
' Couldn't connect
Call SendMail("FTP transfer couldn't connect", "Check FTP tranfer on xxxxxxx",0,"")
End If
MySite.RemoteFolder = "/EXPORTS/XML"
' Create the log file if not create. If greater than 500 K delete and recreate
Call CreateLogfile
Set lso = fspenTextFile(logfilename,8,False,0)
Set tso = fspenTextFile(listfilename,1,false,0)
Do Until tso.AtEndOfStream
MySite.Upload xmlfullname, xmlname
If mysite.remoteExists (xmlname) Then
fso.MoveFile xmlfullname, sfolder+"Archive\"+xmlname
line=("OK " + gettimestamp + " upload of " + xmlname)
' File hasn't been sent and it's more than one hour old ?, if so mail
line=("FAIL " + gettimestamp + " upload of " + xmlname)
Set fileproperties = fso.GetFile(xmlfullname)
createdate = fileproperties.DateCreated
If createdate < DateAdd("h", -1,Now()) Then
Call SendMail("File hasn't been sent for more than one hour", "Check FTP tranfer on xxxxxxx for file" + xmlname,1,xmlfullname)
End If
End If
'Close and delete the file
' Ensure that it hasn't been running for more than one hour
Set fileproperties = fso.GetFile(listfilename)
createdate = fileproperties.DateCreated
If createdate < DateAdd("h", -1,Now()) Then
Call SendMail("FTP export is pending for more then one hour", "Check FTP tranfer on xxxxxxx",0,"")
End If
End If
Function GetTimeStamp
' Build timestamp
vNow = Now()
vYearStr = CStr(Year(vNow))
vMthStr = CStr(Month(vNow))
vDayStr = CStr(Day(vNow))
vHourStr = CStr(Hour(vNow))
vMinuteStr = CStr(Minute(vNow))
vSecStr = CStr(Second(vNow))
If Len(vMthStr) = 1 Then
vMthStr = "0" & vMthStr
End If
If Len(vDayStr) = 1 Then
vDayStr = "0" & vDayStr
End If
If Len(vHourStr) = 1 Then
vHourStr = "0" & vHourStr
End If
If Len(vMinuteStr) = 1 Then
vMinuteStr = "0" & vMinuteStr
End If
If Len(vSecStr) = 1 Then
vSecStr = "0" & vSecStr
End If
GetTimeStamp = vyearstr + "-" + vmthstr + "-" + vdaystr + " " + vhourstr + ":" + vminutestr + ":" + vsecstr
End Function
Sub CreateLogfile
If Not fso.FileExists(logfilename) Then
Set lso = fso.CreateTextFile(logfilename, True)
' Is the file getting too large, then delete and redo it
Set fileproperties = fso.GetFile(logfilename)
logfilesize = fileproperties.size
If logfilesize >500000 Then
Set lso = fso.CreateTextFile(logfilename, True)
End if
End If
End Sub
Sub SendMail (InSubject, InTextBody,AttAdd, Attachment)
objEmail.From = ""
objEmail.To = ""
objEmail.Subject = InSubject
objEmail.Textbody = InTextBody
If AttAdd=1 Then
objEmail.AddAttachment (Attachment)
objEmail.AddAttachment ("")
End If
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
(" = 2
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
(" = _
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
(" = 25
End Sub
Sub BuildListFile
Set tso = fso.CreateTextFile(listfilename, True)
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
Set files = folder.Files
For each folderIdx In files
If InStr (1,folderIdx.Name,".XML")<> 0 Then
End if
End Sub
Is there anyone who han any idea why this script act weird when I'm not logged on to the server where it's scheduled on a one minute basis. ?
If I schedule a script that quits right away, it runs perfectly, so it must by my script.
It uses my username and password in the scheduled task, the same as I sign on with.
What I see is the following:
When I'm logged off the W2003 server, it starts the task in windows scheduler, which never ends, it just stays active. As you can see in the script I added a lot of logging, but it didn't even started to log, when I'm not signed on. If i sign on and ends the task, it resumes a normal cycle again and completes on a one minute basis. It's important information, that I don't see any GUI when it runs in the scheduler, so I assume that can't be the reason. But as soon as I log off again, it get's stuck again.
' VBS Script Generated by JABPE
' Generated at: 15-11-2007
' Create TEConnection object
Set MySite = CreateObject("CuteFTPPro.TEConnection")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Initialize remote server host name, protocol, port, etc.
MySite.Host = ""
MySite.Protocol = "FTP"
MySite.Port = 21
MySite.Retries = 30
MySite.Delay = 30
MySite.MaxConnections = 4
MySite.TransferType = "AUTO"
MySite.DataChannel = "PORT"
MySite.AutoRename = "OFF"
' WARNING!!! SENSITIVE DATA: user name and password.
MySite.Login = "user"
MySite.Password = "password"
MySite.SocksInfo = ""
MySite.ProxyInfo = ""
'If script is already running, then terminate
If Not fso.FileExists(listfilename) Then
Call BuildListFile
' Connect to the site
If Err.number <> 0 Then
' Couldn't connect
Call SendMail("FTP transfer couldn't connect", "Check FTP tranfer on xxxxxxx",0,"")
End If
MySite.RemoteFolder = "/EXPORTS/XML"
' Create the log file if not create. If greater than 500 K delete and recreate
Call CreateLogfile
Set lso = fspenTextFile(logfilename,8,False,0)
Set tso = fspenTextFile(listfilename,1,false,0)
Do Until tso.AtEndOfStream
MySite.Upload xmlfullname, xmlname
If mysite.remoteExists (xmlname) Then
fso.MoveFile xmlfullname, sfolder+"Archive\"+xmlname
line=("OK " + gettimestamp + " upload of " + xmlname)
' File hasn't been sent and it's more than one hour old ?, if so mail
line=("FAIL " + gettimestamp + " upload of " + xmlname)
Set fileproperties = fso.GetFile(xmlfullname)
createdate = fileproperties.DateCreated
If createdate < DateAdd("h", -1,Now()) Then
Call SendMail("File hasn't been sent for more than one hour", "Check FTP tranfer on xxxxxxx for file" + xmlname,1,xmlfullname)
End If
End If
'Close and delete the file
' Ensure that it hasn't been running for more than one hour
Set fileproperties = fso.GetFile(listfilename)
createdate = fileproperties.DateCreated
If createdate < DateAdd("h", -1,Now()) Then
Call SendMail("FTP export is pending for more then one hour", "Check FTP tranfer on xxxxxxx",0,"")
End If
End If
Function GetTimeStamp
' Build timestamp
vNow = Now()
vYearStr = CStr(Year(vNow))
vMthStr = CStr(Month(vNow))
vDayStr = CStr(Day(vNow))
vHourStr = CStr(Hour(vNow))
vMinuteStr = CStr(Minute(vNow))
vSecStr = CStr(Second(vNow))
If Len(vMthStr) = 1 Then
vMthStr = "0" & vMthStr
End If
If Len(vDayStr) = 1 Then
vDayStr = "0" & vDayStr
End If
If Len(vHourStr) = 1 Then
vHourStr = "0" & vHourStr
End If
If Len(vMinuteStr) = 1 Then
vMinuteStr = "0" & vMinuteStr
End If
If Len(vSecStr) = 1 Then
vSecStr = "0" & vSecStr
End If
GetTimeStamp = vyearstr + "-" + vmthstr + "-" + vdaystr + " " + vhourstr + ":" + vminutestr + ":" + vsecstr
End Function
Sub CreateLogfile
If Not fso.FileExists(logfilename) Then
Set lso = fso.CreateTextFile(logfilename, True)
' Is the file getting too large, then delete and redo it
Set fileproperties = fso.GetFile(logfilename)
logfilesize = fileproperties.size
If logfilesize >500000 Then
Set lso = fso.CreateTextFile(logfilename, True)
End if
End If
End Sub
Sub SendMail (InSubject, InTextBody,AttAdd, Attachment)
objEmail.From = ""
objEmail.To = ""
objEmail.Subject = InSubject
objEmail.Textbody = InTextBody
If AttAdd=1 Then
objEmail.AddAttachment (Attachment)
objEmail.AddAttachment ("")
End If
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
(" = 2
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
(" = _
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
(" = 25
End Sub
Sub BuildListFile
Set tso = fso.CreateTextFile(listfilename, True)
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
Set files = folder.Files
For each folderIdx In files
If InStr (1,folderIdx.Name,".XML")<> 0 Then
End if
End Sub