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Help on functions that returns an array

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Sep 15, 1999
Hy,<br>please can anyone tell me how to write a function that returns an array. I mean when writing a function like<br><br>return_type funct_name ( arg_type arg1, ....)<br>{}<br><br>the return_type should be an array (of double maybe).
Sirbu,<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;are you wanting the function to create the array for you? Or just insert values and return the array? <br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where are the values for your array going to come from, passed as arguments? <br><br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The only way I know to return an array would be to return a pointer to the first element, typedef it first maybe?<br><br>I don't really get what you mean!<br><br>Sorry!<br>Loon<br>
hi,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;For returning an array from a function , you have to take care of some small important things . Like .!! the array which u will be returning should not be have a local declaraction inside the returning function.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;here is a sample code ..<br><br>/*---code ---*/<br>float a[6]; //global dec.<br>float *funct()<br>{<br>return(a);<br>}<br><br>main()<br>{<br>float *b;<br><br>b=funct(); <br>return 1;<br>}<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <p>Bhaskar Bora<br><a href=mailto:bhaskar_bora@yahoo.com>bhaskar_bora@yahoo.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>___________________________________________________________<br>
C and C++ are too Cool ... Like CoSSAP ..<br>
Ooops What's this CoSSAP...?? <br>
It's a Objected oriented language created by me ...<br>
hi!<br><br>local declaration of an array is no problem as long as you allocate its memory dynamically:<br><br><font color=blue><FONT FACE=monospace><br>#include &lt;alloc.h&gt;<br>#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;<br><br>double *create_array(int nr_of_elements) {<br><br>&nbsp;int i, double *a;<br><br>&nbsp;a = (double *) malloc(nr_of_elements * sizeof(double));<br>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;if(a) {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;for(i=0;i&lt;nr_of_elements;++i)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;*a+i = 0.0;<br>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;return a;<br>&nbsp;}<br>&nbsp;else<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;return NULL;<br>}<br><br>int main(void) {<br><br>&nbsp;int i, double *array;<br><br>&nbsp;array = create_array(10);<br><br>&nbsp;if(array) {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;for(i=0;i&lt;10;++i)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;printf(&quot;%.2f &quot;,*array+i);<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;free(array);<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;return 0;<br>&nbsp;}<br>&nbsp;else<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;return 1;<br>}<br></font></font><br><br>note: i had to use *a+i syntax to avoid the brackets because<br>this tek-tips script format is obviously buggy... :(<br>
...like my source code.<br><br>replace <FONT FACE=monospace>*a+i</font> by <FONT FACE=monospace>*(a+i)</font> and <FONT FACE=monospace>*array+i</font> by <FONT FACE=monospace>*(array+i)</font><br>
Hey buddy,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the neetest way of doing such stuff is to pass a pointer to the array.<br>It doesnt matter if the array is initialised in the calling_fn() or gets malloced in the called_fn().<br><br>If U cant pass the pointer..then use dynamic allocation in the called-fn() and just return a pointer to it.<br>Remember local arrays in the called_fn() are automatically deallocated as soon as the fn returns.<br><br>adios<br>amit
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