I have some problems with creating database. Actually I don't know how many tables must I create for this task:
i have number of items with their propertys. Let's say that they're stored in table tblItems: ItemID, ItemProperty1, ItemProperty2,...
Each item belonging in one or more groups and/or subgroups. New groups and subgroups can be added at any time. So, I create second table tblMainGroups: MainGroupID, ItemID, MainGroup1, MainGroup2,...
But each main group can have subgroups, like this: MainGroup1: MainGroup1Sub1, MainGroup1Sub2,...
MainGroup2: MainGroup2Sub1, MainGroup2Sub2,...
I set relationship between tblItems and tblMainGroups with primary key ItemID and foreign key MainGroupID.
But how about subgroups? I really need advice.
Thank you
I have some problems with creating database. Actually I don't know how many tables must I create for this task:
i have number of items with their propertys. Let's say that they're stored in table tblItems: ItemID, ItemProperty1, ItemProperty2,...
Each item belonging in one or more groups and/or subgroups. New groups and subgroups can be added at any time. So, I create second table tblMainGroups: MainGroupID, ItemID, MainGroup1, MainGroup2,...
But each main group can have subgroups, like this: MainGroup1: MainGroup1Sub1, MainGroup1Sub2,...
MainGroup2: MainGroup2Sub1, MainGroup2Sub2,...
I set relationship between tblItems and tblMainGroups with primary key ItemID and foreign key MainGroupID.
But how about subgroups? I really need advice.
Thank you