I'm stuck as to where I can find a payment/registration form written in php and using mysql.
What I need is a script that would accept payment for a service, then register that user for the use of the service, EG:-
Take a forum, for example, a forum that's offering certain services, to register on that forum, a user would need to pay a small subscription fee, payable either every month or yearly, and registration details are held in a temporary status, and as soon as an acknowledgement (from a bank's computer, to ackowledge that payment has been recieved by the bank) is recieved by the script, the script would setup the registration to that forum automatically.
Obviously, everything is done using SSL.
What I need is a script that would accept payment for a service, then register that user for the use of the service, EG:-
Take a forum, for example, a forum that's offering certain services, to register on that forum, a user would need to pay a small subscription fee, payable either every month or yearly, and registration details are held in a temporary status, and as soon as an acknowledgement (from a bank's computer, to ackowledge that payment has been recieved by the bank) is recieved by the script, the script would setup the registration to that forum automatically.
Obviously, everything is done using SSL.