Hi All,
Please Help me to create a file Open Dialog box from a stand alone VBS file (without HTML)
I have tried following code..
dim cdl1
dim txtfile
dim vis
set vis=createobject("visio.application"
set cdl1 = createobject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog"
txtFile = cdl1.filename
msgbox txtfile
But it gives Initialisation failed error.I don't know why this is happening.I am new to VBScript.
Please Help me to create a file Open Dialog box from a stand alone VBS file (without HTML)
I have tried following code..
dim cdl1
dim txtfile
dim vis
set vis=createobject("visio.application"
set cdl1 = createobject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog"
txtFile = cdl1.filename
msgbox txtfile
But it gives Initialisation failed error.I don't know why this is happening.I am new to VBScript.