I have a Fujitsu MPG3102AT. This disk work for 3 months. One day the Hdd was not recognized from PC Bios.
I send the Hdd to a Data Recovery Service.
The data recovery service say me.... 'We must open the disk on Cleaning Room, for data recovery'.
I accept. I pay more money for this operation.
When i have back the Disk and the Data recovered on Cdrom, i see the warranty label on the disk, are NOT BROKEN !!!!!
How is possible open the disk, without broken the warranty label ??????
3 Month later, i know (by some friend) this ......
With the Fujitsu MPG series, when this fault appear, it is sufficent aplly a firmware upgrade or software patch, and the disk revive!!!!!!
This information, for me, is not complete.
Someone know the MPG secrets ????
Say you where i can found this software upgrade for solve this problem, or the secret for solve this problem ???
If i show this solution to Data recovery service, then gat back me my money !!!!!
Thank you for Help me !!!!!
I send the Hdd to a Data Recovery Service.
The data recovery service say me.... 'We must open the disk on Cleaning Room, for data recovery'.
I accept. I pay more money for this operation.
When i have back the Disk and the Data recovered on Cdrom, i see the warranty label on the disk, are NOT BROKEN !!!!!
How is possible open the disk, without broken the warranty label ??????
3 Month later, i know (by some friend) this ......
With the Fujitsu MPG series, when this fault appear, it is sufficent aplly a firmware upgrade or software patch, and the disk revive!!!!!!
This information, for me, is not complete.
Someone know the MPG secrets ????
Say you where i can found this software upgrade for solve this problem, or the secret for solve this problem ???
If i show this solution to Data recovery service, then gat back me my money !!!!!
Thank you for Help me !!!!!