I am asking for help with some code I need to write. (my VBA skills are a bit rusty).
I have a very large collection of mdb files (Access 2003), all named like...
"DataSet_866_a.mdb", "DataSet_866_d.mdb", etc. All names of the mdb files start with "DataSet_", and all mdb files are in the same folder. I need code to loop through all of these files and ...
a) Delete a Form called "frm_TestCriteria".
b) Delete a Module called "mod_Instructions". The module is 'stand alone', not connected to the Form.
Any assistance is much appreciated
Vicky C.
I am asking for help with some code I need to write. (my VBA skills are a bit rusty).
I have a very large collection of mdb files (Access 2003), all named like...
"DataSet_866_a.mdb", "DataSet_866_d.mdb", etc. All names of the mdb files start with "DataSet_", and all mdb files are in the same folder. I need code to loop through all of these files and ...
a) Delete a Form called "frm_TestCriteria".
b) Delete a Module called "mod_Instructions". The module is 'stand alone', not connected to the Form.
Any assistance is much appreciated
Vicky C.