I've a scenario where I need summary by account group. here are two tables that I need to connect.
1) journallines having fields glaccountid and amount
2) accountgroup having fields groupid, glaccountidm, glaccountidl and glaccountidoh
(m-material, l-labour and oh-overhead)
journallines can have at any point of time (each record) either of glaccountidm, glaccountidl and glaccountidoh and amount. I would like to summarize information by account group for each category (m, l and oh). How do I connect tables and summarize data. If I'm vague in exaplining the scenario then please let me know.
many thanks in advance.
1) journallines having fields glaccountid and amount
2) accountgroup having fields groupid, glaccountidm, glaccountidl and glaccountidoh
(m-material, l-labour and oh-overhead)
journallines can have at any point of time (each record) either of glaccountidm, glaccountidl and glaccountidoh and amount. I would like to summarize information by account group for each category (m, l and oh). How do I connect tables and summarize data. If I'm vague in exaplining the scenario then please let me know.
many thanks in advance.