I have a quick question for a newbie to Crystal Reports 9 (and I wasn't terribly good with older version either!)
I have a VB6 application that uses the "crystl32.ocx" in the following way:
With CRWreport
.WindowTitle = "My Title - March, 2003"
If chkPrint = False Then
.Destination = crptToWindow
.Destination = crptToPrinter
.PrinterCopies = 1
End If
.ReportFileName = "e:\fullpath\myreport.rpt"
.DataFiles(0) = "e:\fullpath\mydatabase.mdb"
.SelectionFormula = "{table.fieldname} = " & "'" & txtfield & "'"
.Action = 1
End With
This was used to display and print a report. This code was originally done to work with Crystal Reports 5 or 6. Is there a new component that I use, that would be similar to this with Advanced Crystal 9?
Thanks very much for any help.
I have a VB6 application that uses the "crystl32.ocx" in the following way:
With CRWreport
.WindowTitle = "My Title - March, 2003"
If chkPrint = False Then
.Destination = crptToWindow
.Destination = crptToPrinter
.PrinterCopies = 1
End If
.ReportFileName = "e:\fullpath\myreport.rpt"
.DataFiles(0) = "e:\fullpath\mydatabase.mdb"
.SelectionFormula = "{table.fieldname} = " & "'" & txtfield & "'"
.Action = 1
End With
This was used to display and print a report. This code was originally done to work with Crystal Reports 5 or 6. Is there a new component that I use, that would be similar to this with Advanced Crystal 9?
Thanks very much for any help.