Hi All:
I am working with Visual FoxPro, and I create this Program to compare data between two given month, where some account may or may not be available between the month, the end result will be a report with rows showing data in 2 month side-by-side, if not available, it wil show N/A on the side where the data is not available..., since the report is not a straight forward query and I have to write code to create this report, How would I replicate this code in Microsoft Access VBA and also in SQL Server T-SQL???
Simply copy the following program and save it and call it compTest and run it, all the test data are created on the fly, at the end, you can open C_Febdata, C_MarData cursor, and the final report C_Report cursor to see the before and after result.
Thank you.
************************************************************************************************** CompTest.prg
* Compare data between two period, calculate total, etc. and then export the result to Excel
* The challange is to create a report THAT show SIDE-BY-SIDE month difference in Amount group by AccType+Client+Company,
* and at the same time show the details the amount breakdown by company and client.
* e.g.
* If the client is available in both the months, the row will show both month's info side-by-side,
* If the client is not available in Feb month, but in March, the row will show N/A in Feb and March info on March side
* If the client is available in Feb, but not in March, the row will show Feb data and N/A on the March side
* Create test table for February Month, and populate test data
set safety off
Create Cursor C_FebData ( Month C(3), company C(10), Client C(15), Account C(6), AccType C(4), Amount N(12,0) )
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC001", "Cash", 9000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC002", "Cash", 5000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC003", "GIC", 8000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "ABCInc", "Peter", "ACC004", "Cash", 2000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "ABCInc", "Peter", "ACC005", "Cash", 3000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC010", "Cash", 10000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC011", "Cash", 5000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC012", "GIC", 7000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC013", "GIC", 6000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "XYZInc", "Smith", "ACC020", "Cash", 7000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "XYZInc", "Smith", "ACC021", "GIC", 2000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "XYZInc", "John", "ACC022", "Cash", 5000)
Select C_FebData
Index on Acctype + Company + Client to Temp1
* Create test table for March Month, and populate test data
Create Cursor C_MarData ( Month C(3), company C(10), Client C(15), Account C(6), AccType C(4), Amount N(12,0) )
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC001", "Cash", 6000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC002", "Cash", 7000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC003", "GIC", 9000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "ABCInc", "Peter", "ACC006", "GIC", 2000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "ABCInc", "Peter", "ACC007", "GIC", 3000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC010", "Cash", 12000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC011", "Cash", 8000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC013", "GIC", 3000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "XYZInc", "Smith", "ACC020", "Cash", 6000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "XYZInc", "Smith", "ACC022", "Cash", 10000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "XYZInc", "John", "ACC023", "GIC", 5000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "XYZInc", "John", "ACC024", "Loan", 7000)
Select C_MarData
Index on Acctype + Company + Client to Temp2
* Create temp cursor for storing the side-by-side comparison report.
Create Cursor C_Report (From_To C(8), Company1 C(10), Client1 C(15), Amount1 N(12,0), Filler C(2), Company2 C(10), Client2 C(15), Amount2 N(12,0), DiffAmount N(12,0))
* Create temp cursor same as C_Report for temporary storing and sorting the data before append them to C_Report
Create Cursor C_ReportTmp (From_To C(8), Company1 C(10), Client1 C(15), Amount1 N(12,0), Filler C(2), Company2 C(10), Client2 C(15), Amount2 N(12,0), DiffAmount N(12,0))
* Find the Unique Account Type across two comparing month's data,
* e.g. In this example, Feb data only have "Cash" and "GIC" account type,
* where as in March, it had "Cash", "GIC", and "Loan"
Select distinct(AccType) as AccType from C_FebData ;
Union ;
Select distinct(AccType) as AccType from C_MarData ;
Into Cursor C_UniqueAccType
* Group the amount by AccType, Client and Company, e.g. If Peter in Company ABCInc has two cash Account Type,
* (ACC004 = $2000, & ACC005 = $3000), the group amount will be $5000 for Peter of ABCInc.
Select C_FebData
brow nowait
select Month, Company, Client, AccType, sum(amount) as clnAmount ;
from C_FebData group by AccType, Client, Company ;
order by AccType, Company, Client ;
Into Cursor C_FebGroup
Select C_FebGroup
Go Top
* Group the amount by AccType, Client and Company, e.g. If Peter in Company ABCInc has two cash Account Type,
* (ACC004 = $2000, & ACC005 = $3000), the group amount will be $5000 for Peter of ABCInc.
Select C_MarData
brow nowait
select Month, Company, Client, AccType, sum(amount) as clnAmount ;
from C_MarData group by AccType, Client, Company ;
order by AccType, Company, Client ;
Into Cursor C_MarGroup
Select C_MarGroup
Go Top
Select C_Report
Select C_ReportTmp
Index on Client1 + Company1 to Temp3
* Create the report
Select C_UniqueAccType
Scan All
Select C_ReportTmp
Select C_FebGroup
Scan All For AccType == C_UniqueAccType.AccType
Select C_ReportTmp
Append Blank
Replace Company1 with C_FebGroup.Company, ;
Client1 with C_FebGroup.Client, ;
Amount1 with C_FebGroup.ClnAmount, ;
Company2 with "N/A", ;
Client2 with "N/A", ;
Amount2 with 0
Select C_MarGroup
Scan All For AccType == C_UniqueAccType.AccType
Select C_ReportTmp
seek (C_MarGroup.Client + C_MarGroup.Company)
If found()
Replace Company2 with C_MarGroup.Company, ;
Client2 with C_MarGroup.Client, ;
Amount2 with C_MarGroup.ClnAmount
Select C_ReportTmp
Append Blank
Replace Company1 with "N/A", ;
Client1 with "N/A", ;
Amount1 with 0, ;
Company2 with C_MarGroup.Company, ;
Client2 with C_MarGroup.Client, ;
Amount2 with C_MarGroup.ClnAmount
Select C_ReportTmp
Replace all DiffAmount with Amount1 - Amount2
Sum(Amount1) to lnSum1
Sum(Amount2) to lnSum2
Select * From C_ReportTmp order by DiffAmount Descending Into Cursor C_ReportOrd
Select C_Report
Append blank
Replace From_To with [Feb=>Mar], ;
Company1 with C_UniqueAccType.AccType, ;
Client1 with "", ;
Amount1 with lnSum1, ;
Company2 with "", ;
Client2 with "", ;
Amount2 with lnSum2
Append from DBF("C_ReportTmp")
Append Blank
Select C_FebData
Brow nowait
Select C_MarData
Brow Nowait
Select C_Report
go top
brow nowait
copy to C_Report.txt type Xls
I am working with Visual FoxPro, and I create this Program to compare data between two given month, where some account may or may not be available between the month, the end result will be a report with rows showing data in 2 month side-by-side, if not available, it wil show N/A on the side where the data is not available..., since the report is not a straight forward query and I have to write code to create this report, How would I replicate this code in Microsoft Access VBA and also in SQL Server T-SQL???
Simply copy the following program and save it and call it compTest and run it, all the test data are created on the fly, at the end, you can open C_Febdata, C_MarData cursor, and the final report C_Report cursor to see the before and after result.
Thank you.
************************************************************************************************** CompTest.prg
* Compare data between two period, calculate total, etc. and then export the result to Excel
* The challange is to create a report THAT show SIDE-BY-SIDE month difference in Amount group by AccType+Client+Company,
* and at the same time show the details the amount breakdown by company and client.
* e.g.
* If the client is available in both the months, the row will show both month's info side-by-side,
* If the client is not available in Feb month, but in March, the row will show N/A in Feb and March info on March side
* If the client is available in Feb, but not in March, the row will show Feb data and N/A on the March side
* Create test table for February Month, and populate test data
set safety off
Create Cursor C_FebData ( Month C(3), company C(10), Client C(15), Account C(6), AccType C(4), Amount N(12,0) )
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC001", "Cash", 9000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC002", "Cash", 5000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC003", "GIC", 8000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "ABCInc", "Peter", "ACC004", "Cash", 2000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "ABCInc", "Peter", "ACC005", "Cash", 3000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC010", "Cash", 10000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC011", "Cash", 5000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC012", "GIC", 7000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC013", "GIC", 6000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "XYZInc", "Smith", "ACC020", "Cash", 7000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "XYZInc", "Smith", "ACC021", "GIC", 2000)
Insert into C_FebData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Feb", "XYZInc", "John", "ACC022", "Cash", 5000)
Select C_FebData
Index on Acctype + Company + Client to Temp1
* Create test table for March Month, and populate test data
Create Cursor C_MarData ( Month C(3), company C(10), Client C(15), Account C(6), AccType C(4), Amount N(12,0) )
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC001", "Cash", 6000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC002", "Cash", 7000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "ABCInc", "Sam", "ACC003", "GIC", 9000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "ABCInc", "Peter", "ACC006", "GIC", 2000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "ABCInc", "Peter", "ACC007", "GIC", 3000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC010", "Cash", 12000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC011", "Cash", 8000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "DEFInc", "Jill", "ACC013", "GIC", 3000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "XYZInc", "Smith", "ACC020", "Cash", 6000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "XYZInc", "Smith", "ACC022", "Cash", 10000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "XYZInc", "John", "ACC023", "GIC", 5000)
Insert into C_MarData (Month, company, Client, Account, AccType, Amount) Values ("Mar", "XYZInc", "John", "ACC024", "Loan", 7000)
Select C_MarData
Index on Acctype + Company + Client to Temp2
* Create temp cursor for storing the side-by-side comparison report.
Create Cursor C_Report (From_To C(8), Company1 C(10), Client1 C(15), Amount1 N(12,0), Filler C(2), Company2 C(10), Client2 C(15), Amount2 N(12,0), DiffAmount N(12,0))
* Create temp cursor same as C_Report for temporary storing and sorting the data before append them to C_Report
Create Cursor C_ReportTmp (From_To C(8), Company1 C(10), Client1 C(15), Amount1 N(12,0), Filler C(2), Company2 C(10), Client2 C(15), Amount2 N(12,0), DiffAmount N(12,0))
* Find the Unique Account Type across two comparing month's data,
* e.g. In this example, Feb data only have "Cash" and "GIC" account type,
* where as in March, it had "Cash", "GIC", and "Loan"
Select distinct(AccType) as AccType from C_FebData ;
Union ;
Select distinct(AccType) as AccType from C_MarData ;
Into Cursor C_UniqueAccType
* Group the amount by AccType, Client and Company, e.g. If Peter in Company ABCInc has two cash Account Type,
* (ACC004 = $2000, & ACC005 = $3000), the group amount will be $5000 for Peter of ABCInc.
Select C_FebData
brow nowait
select Month, Company, Client, AccType, sum(amount) as clnAmount ;
from C_FebData group by AccType, Client, Company ;
order by AccType, Company, Client ;
Into Cursor C_FebGroup
Select C_FebGroup
Go Top
* Group the amount by AccType, Client and Company, e.g. If Peter in Company ABCInc has two cash Account Type,
* (ACC004 = $2000, & ACC005 = $3000), the group amount will be $5000 for Peter of ABCInc.
Select C_MarData
brow nowait
select Month, Company, Client, AccType, sum(amount) as clnAmount ;
from C_MarData group by AccType, Client, Company ;
order by AccType, Company, Client ;
Into Cursor C_MarGroup
Select C_MarGroup
Go Top
Select C_Report
Select C_ReportTmp
Index on Client1 + Company1 to Temp3
* Create the report
Select C_UniqueAccType
Scan All
Select C_ReportTmp
Select C_FebGroup
Scan All For AccType == C_UniqueAccType.AccType
Select C_ReportTmp
Append Blank
Replace Company1 with C_FebGroup.Company, ;
Client1 with C_FebGroup.Client, ;
Amount1 with C_FebGroup.ClnAmount, ;
Company2 with "N/A", ;
Client2 with "N/A", ;
Amount2 with 0
Select C_MarGroup
Scan All For AccType == C_UniqueAccType.AccType
Select C_ReportTmp
seek (C_MarGroup.Client + C_MarGroup.Company)
If found()
Replace Company2 with C_MarGroup.Company, ;
Client2 with C_MarGroup.Client, ;
Amount2 with C_MarGroup.ClnAmount
Select C_ReportTmp
Append Blank
Replace Company1 with "N/A", ;
Client1 with "N/A", ;
Amount1 with 0, ;
Company2 with C_MarGroup.Company, ;
Client2 with C_MarGroup.Client, ;
Amount2 with C_MarGroup.ClnAmount
Select C_ReportTmp
Replace all DiffAmount with Amount1 - Amount2
Sum(Amount1) to lnSum1
Sum(Amount2) to lnSum2
Select * From C_ReportTmp order by DiffAmount Descending Into Cursor C_ReportOrd
Select C_Report
Append blank
Replace From_To with [Feb=>Mar], ;
Company1 with C_UniqueAccType.AccType, ;
Client1 with "", ;
Amount1 with lnSum1, ;
Company2 with "", ;
Client2 with "", ;
Amount2 with lnSum2
Append from DBF("C_ReportTmp")
Append Blank
Select C_FebData
Brow nowait
Select C_MarData
Brow Nowait
Select C_Report
go top
brow nowait
copy to C_Report.txt type Xls