Hi all and happy holidays ....
I have a menu driven script (that is run from the Unix command line) with a number of functions one of which queries the database for a large number of identifiers, and spools the output into a file for further processing.
The list of identifiers is initially pulled into a variable (at line 15) which (if it contains a very large number of items breaches the constraints of string length in Oracle as its a variable containing one long string) this results in either an error of a inconsistent result.
I added a small fix to break the identifiers across new lines,(within line 15) this removed the string length constraint errors but now appears to inter-fear with the where cause (line 43 - 49) with sqlplus reporting missing parentheses even though they do indeed match ...
I'm sure there is a better way to read in the list of identifiers ($EBIP_LIST)
All comments appreciated,
(sorry I'm not at work so don't have access to the exact error reported back but its reporting the error is related around the area of (eu.vc_id = vc.vc_id) and is highlighting with a star below the = sign of line 43... Though I think its rather related more towards the reading in of the huge ($EBIP_LIST) and due to its length has malformed the query in some way.
I will test this function in isolation once back in work to try and focus on the error but as I say any comments on how better to handle that "list of identifiers" in the where clause would be appreciated. NOTE: this cannot involve any changes to the dB only locally to the script running on the calling server.
Thanks in advance Laurie.
I have a menu driven script (that is run from the Unix command line) with a number of functions one of which queries the database for a large number of identifiers, and spools the output into a file for further processing.
The list of identifiers is initially pulled into a variable (at line 15) which (if it contains a very large number of items breaches the constraints of string length in Oracle as its a variable containing one long string) this results in either an error of a inconsistent result.
I added a small fix to break the identifiers across new lines,(within line 15) this removed the string length constraint errors but now appears to inter-fear with the where cause (line 43 - 49) with sqlplus reporting missing parentheses even though they do indeed match ...
$ cat -n theFunction,txt
1 #####################################################################
2 #
3 ## function Lookup20c_access_sets, Checks for existance of ACCESSSET
4 # and builds a new list
5 #####################################################################
7 function Lookup20c_access_sets {
9 if [ -s duf20cEBIp.list ]; then
11 echo "Now finding any lines that failed init lookup but have accesssets in the dB....... "
13 ## Pulls in a long list of identifiers wrapped in single quoted and trailing commas (until the last line where comma is removed)
15 EBIP_LIST=`cat $INDEX_DIR/duf20cEBIp.list| awk '{print "'\''"$1"'\','"}'| awk '{line=line "\n\r"$1} END {sub(/,$/, "", line) ;print line}'`
17 sqlplus -S $user/$pword@$ORACLE_SID <<EOF>>$LOG_DIR/get-$CONTROLLER-Query20c-EBEUs.log
19 set line 500
20 set pages 0
21 set echo off
22 set verify off
23 set termout off
24 set heading off
25 set feedback off
26 set serveroutput off
27 set newpage none
32 bas.bas_ip_address
33 ||','||eu.access_id_p1
34 ||','||con.controller_name
35 ||','||eu.vc_id
36 FROM srb_bas bas,
37 srb_accessset eu,
38 srb_vc_topology vc,
39 srb_vp_topology vp,
40 srb_bas_itfs itf,
41 srb_controllers con
42 WHERE (
43 (eu.vc_id = vc.vc_id)
44 AND (vc.vp_id = vp.vp_id)
45 AND (vp.bas_itf_id = itf.bas_itf_id)
46 AND (itf.bas_id = bas.bas_id)
47 AND (eu.access_id_type='1')
48 AND (bas.controller_id=con.controller_id)
49 AND (eu.access_id_p1 in ($EBIP_LIST))
50 )
51 group by bas.bas_ip_address, eu.access_id_p1,con.controller_name,eu.vc_id
52 /
53 spool off
54 EOF
55 echo "Faulty Line List built ...."
56 else
57 echo "No lines with faults found"
58 fi
59 echo ""
60 echo ""
61 }
I'm sure there is a better way to read in the list of identifiers ($EBIP_LIST)
All comments appreciated,
(sorry I'm not at work so don't have access to the exact error reported back but its reporting the error is related around the area of (eu.vc_id = vc.vc_id) and is highlighting with a star below the = sign of line 43... Though I think its rather related more towards the reading in of the huge ($EBIP_LIST) and due to its length has malformed the query in some way.
I will test this function in isolation once back in work to try and focus on the error but as I say any comments on how better to handle that "list of identifiers" in the where clause would be appreciated. NOTE: this cannot involve any changes to the dB only locally to the script running on the calling server.
Thanks in advance Laurie.