I have the following sample data for my tree menu in a database table. It's just a sample data and the menu hierarchy can go x-levels i.e. 10 to 15 levels deep. I am having issues with the </menu> tag if the structure goes deep. Need this code to be generic regardless of the depth of the menus. Any ideas how to handle this in my code.
*Need to generate the following output file:*
Following is the output generated when running the SQL used in the code below:
But I am having issues with closing *</menu>* tag if the hierarchy is x-level deep can't figure out how to handle this. Here is the java code I have
so far:
And here is the output I am getting that is missing some of the end tags. And can't figure out how to handle this and have a valid file created with all the end tags.
I have the following sample data for my tree menu in a database table. It's just a sample data and the menu hierarchy can go x-levels i.e. 10 to 15 levels deep. I am having issues with the </menu> tag if the structure goes deep. Need this code to be generic regardless of the depth of the menus. Any ideas how to handle this in my code.
10 File1
60 File2 10
70 File3 10
80 File4 10
90 File5 70
100 File6 70
110 File7 90
105 File8 110
106 File9 110
301 View2 300
300 View1
200 Open
*Need to generate the following output file:*
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
<menu name="10" id="1">
<menu name="60" id="1"/>
<menu name="70" id="1">
<menu name="100" id="1"/>
<menu name="90" id="1">
<menu name="110" id="1">
<menu name="105" id="1"/>
<menu name="106" id="1"/>
<menu name="80" id="1"/>
<menu name="200" id="1"/>
<menu name="300" id="1">
<menu name="300" id="1"/>
Following is the output generated when running the SQL used in the code below:
10 File1 /10
60 File2 10 /10/60
70 File3 10 /10/70
80 File4 10 /10/80
90 File5 70 /10/70/90
100 File6 70 /10/70/100
110 File7 90 /10/70/90/110
105 File8 110 /10/70/90/110/105
106 File9 110 /10/70/90/110/106
301 View2 300 /300/301
300 View1 /301
200 Open /200
But I am having issues with closing *</menu>* tag if the hierarchy is x-level deep can't figure out how to handle this. Here is the java code I have
so far:
package com.xml.parser.util ;
import java.sql.* ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.StringTokenizer ;
public class BuildXml
public BuildXml ()
public static void main ( String[] args )
Connection connection = null ;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null ;
ResultSet rset = null ;
BuildXml buildXml = new BuildXml () ;
String DBurl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE" ;
Class.forName ( "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" ) ;
connection = DriverManager.getConnection ( DBurl , "TESTUSR" , "testa34" ) ;
String sql = "select * from (select menutbl.*, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(MenuId, '/') as path from TESTUSR.menutbl start with parentid is null connect by NOCYCLE PRIOR MenuId = parentid) order by path" ;
pstmt = connection.prepareStatement ( sql ) ;
rset = pstmt.executeQuery () ;
String header = "<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?><menus>" ;
String footer = "</menus>" ;
String body = "" ;
String name = "" ;
String path = "" ;
String id = "" ;
String parent = "" ;
ArrayList arrayList = null ;
ArrayList arrayList2 = null ;
ArrayList arrayList3 = null ;
boolean flag3 = false ;
while ( rset.next () )
id = rset.getString ( 1 ) ;
name = rset.getString ( 2 ) ;
path = rset.getString ( 4 ) ;
parent = rset.getString ( 3 ) ;
if ( parent == null )
if ( arrayList != null && arrayList.size () > 0 && arrayList2.size () > 0 )
if ( flag3 )
body += "<menu name=\"" + ( String ) arrayList.get ( arrayList2.size () - 1 ) + "\" id=\"1\"/></menu>" ;
body += "<menu name=\"" + ( String ) arrayList.get ( arrayList2.size () - 1 ) + "\" id=\"1\"/>" ;
flag3 = false ;
arrayList = new ArrayList () ;
arrayList2 = new ArrayList () ;
arrayList3 = new ArrayList () ;
arrayList.add ( id ) ;
arrayList2.add ( parent ) ;
arrayList3.add ( id ) ;
if ( parent != null )
flag3 = true ;
String p = ( String ) arrayList.get ( arrayList2.size () - 2 ) ;
if ( p.equals ( parent ) )
body += "<menu name=\"" + ( String ) arrayList.get ( arrayList2.size () - 2 ) + "\" id=\"1\">" ;
body += "<menu name=\"" + ( String ) arrayList.get ( arrayList2.size () - 2 ) + "\" id=\"1\"/>" ;
if ( arrayList.size () > 0 && arrayList2.size () > 0 )
if ( flag3 )
body += "<menu name=\"" + ( String ) arrayList.get ( arrayList2.size () - 1 ) + "\" id=\"1\"/></menu>" ;
body += "<menu name=\"" + ( String ) arrayList.get ( arrayList2.size () - 1 ) + "\" id=\"1\"/>" ;
System.out.println ( body ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
e.printStackTrace () ;
if ( rset != null )
rset.close () ;
if ( pstmt != null )
pstmt.close () ;
if ( connection != null )
connection.close () ;
catch ( Exception ex )
And here is the output I am getting that is missing some of the end tags. And can't figure out how to handle this and have a valid file created with all the end tags.
<menu name="10" id="1">
<menu name="60" id="1"/>
<menu name="70" id="1">
<menu name="100" id="1"/>
<menu name="90" id="1">
<menu name="110" id="1">
<menu name="105" id="1"/>
<menu name="106" id="1"/>
<menu name="80" id="1"/>
<menu name="200" id="1"/>
<menu name="300" id="1">
<menu name="301" id="1"/>