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Help! How to generate a new table from existing data 1

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Jan 11, 2003
I have a table call tblUnits that has info of all the housing units, such as unit_IDs, numbers of bedrooms, living rooms, baths, kitchens, hallways, and other areas in each unit. Now, I need to generate another table from the unit info, a table that list all the areas as the records.

For example, in tblUnits:
Unit_ID#1, #Bedroom = 8, #LV=2,#bath=3
Unit_ID#2, #Bedroom = 5, #LV=1,#bath=2
Unit_ID#3, #Bedroom = 3, #LV=1,#bath=1

Now, the output table "tblAreaList" should be
Area_ID#1, Unit_ID#1, AreaName = U#1_Bed#1
Area_ID#2, Unit_ID#1, AreaName = U#1_Bed#2
Area_ID#8, Unit_ID#1, AreaName = U#1_Bed#8
Area_ID#9, Unit_ID#1, AreaName = U#1_LV#1
Area_ID#10, Unit_ID#1, AreaName = U#1_LV#2

Area_ID#14, Unit_ID#2, AreaName = U#2_Bed#1
Area_ID#26, Unit_ID#3, AreaName = U#3_bath#1.

Basically, it generates areas record from unit to unit. The output tblAreaList must be able to add a few more fields later for data entry. I am familiar with common calculation within a field (no need to explain this part). But I don't know how to generate records automatically based on calculation results. I know how to use make-table query, but it does not generate records.

Any hint or info would be highly appreciated. Thanks.


the problem is that you are trying to generate multiple records for each record in the unit tbl. for example a row in the unit tbl has 3bd, 1LV, 2bth, etc... you have to insert multiple records in the area tbl. to do this, you need a .vbs script to read each unit record in a record set, and through a loop, create necessary area records for bd, lv, bth, etc...
that's basically the process.
if you have problem constracting code to access/creating tables in vbs, post back.
Thanks, Barry,

You are right about what I want to do (creating a list from a table). The problem is that I am a novice with VBS script. Could you show me just one example. I might be able to go from there myself. Thanks again.

ok, while i am doing the vbs, why don't you create these tables:
fields: unit_id, num_of_bed, num_of_lv, num_of_bath
unit_id is text, the rest are numbers.

fields: unit_id, area_id, area_name (all are text).
copy this code and paste it to notepad ans save it as xxx.vbs. change file access database location to where the database is:

Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
dim filedname, searchstring, tablename, dbname, commandstring, colname, fieldname
dim strText, x, y, z, a, b, xx
strtext = ""
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objConnection.Open _
"Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source = c:\your_file_location\sample.mdb"
' <b> your file location goes in above line </b>
tablename = "tblunits"

commandstring = "select * from " & tablename & ";"

objRecordSet.Open commandstring, objConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


area_id_num = 0

do until objrecordset.eof

if objrecordset.eof <> true then
unit_id = objRecordset.Fields.Item("unit_id")
num_bed = objRecordset.Fields.Item("num_of_bed")
num_lv = objRecordset.Fields.Item("num_of_lv")
num_bath = objRecordset.Fields.Item("num_of_bath")

' ------------- these middle loop is performed for each unit ------------
for i = 1 to num_bed
area_id_num = area_id_num + 1
area_id = "area_id_" & area_id_num
area_name = unit_id & "_bed_" & i
msg = msg & unit_id & " " & area_id & " " & area_name & vbcrlf

for j = 1 to num_lv
area_id_num = area_id_num + 1
area_id = "area_id_" & area_id_num
area_name = unit_id & "_lv_" & j
msg = msg & unit_id & " " & area_id & " " & area_name & vbcrlf

for k = 1 to num_bath
area_id_num = area_id_num + 1
area_id = "area_id_" & area_id_num
area_name = unit_id & "_bath_" & k
msg = msg & unit_id & " " & area_id & " " & area_name & vbcrlf


end if

msgbox msg

msgbox ("finished processing......... " & a & " records.")


run this and you will see the data displayed in a msg box.
we'll do the insert later.
Thanks a lot. I will use it right away. If any more question, I will come back. Thanks again.

the insert is not in that code.
here's the code with insert.

Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
dim filedname, searchstring, tablename, dbname, commandstring, colname, fieldname
dim strText, x, y, z, a, b, xx
strtext = ""
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

objConnection.Open _
"Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source = c:\your_db_path\sample.mdb"

tablename = "tblunits"
tablename2 = "tblarealist"
commandstring = "select * from " & tablename & ";"

objRecordSet.Open commandstring, objConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


area_id_num = 0

do until objrecordset.eof

if objrecordset.eof <> true then
unit_id = objRecordset.Fields.Item("unit_id")
num_bed = objRecordset.Fields.Item("num_of_bed")
num_lv = objRecordset.Fields.Item("num_of_lv")
num_bath = objRecordset.Fields.Item("num_of_bath")

' ------------- these middle loop is performed for each unit ------------
for i = 1 to num_bed
area_id_num = area_id_num + 1
area_id = "area_id_" & area_id_num
area_name = unit_id & "_bed_" & i

commandstring = "INSERT INTO " & tablename2 & " " & _
"(unit_id, area_id, area_name) VALUES (" & _
chr(39)& unit_id & chr(39) & ", " & _
chr(39)& area_id & chr(39) & ", " & _
chr(39)& area_name & chr(39) & ");"

objConnection.Execute commandstring

for j = 1 to num_lv
area_id_num = area_id_num + 1
area_id = "area_id_" & area_id_num
area_name = unit_id & "_lv_" & j
msg = msg & unit_id & " " & area_id & " " & area_name & vbcrlf
commandstring = "INSERT INTO " & tablename2 & " " & _
"(unit_id, area_id, area_name) VALUES (" & _
chr(39)& unit_id & chr(39) & ", " & _
chr(39)& area_id & chr(39) & ", " & _
chr(39)& area_name & chr(39) & ");"

objConnection.Execute commandstring

for k = 1 to num_bath
area_id_num = area_id_num + 1
area_id = "area_id_" & area_id_num
area_name = unit_id & "_bath_" & k
msg = msg & unit_id & " " & area_id & " " & area_name & vbcrlf
commandstring = "INSERT INTO " & tablename2 & " " & _
"(unit_id, area_id, area_name) VALUES (" & _
chr(39)& unit_id & chr(39) & ", " & _
chr(39)& area_id & chr(39) & ", " & _
chr(39)& area_name & chr(39) & ");"

objConnection.Execute commandstring


end if

msgbox msg

msgbox ("finished processing......... " & a & " records.")

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