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Help - How Do i Access the Outlook Global Address Book in Visual basic 1

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I require to get the list of details (name,phone,email addr etc) from the outlook global address book , in to my Visual basic program. ie i would like to create an array of data (ie 1 row for each entry) , so that i can page through and search for addresses based on any critera) like you could do if the list existed on a table in a database.

I have tried the MAPI components , but only seem to be abel to send a message. no where can i find somthing that gives me access the the address books

Can anyone help ?

Well, I have found a couple of ways to obtain, update, and manipulate data out of Outlook. There should be a way to dim an object say objAddress as Addresslist. I think that this would call up the global address list. There are two available Addresslist and Addresslists.

Below is the code that I have been using to get the email address of a vendor that is associated with a particular project. In contrast you can cycle through all contacts and append the info to a table.

Try for more tips.

Function LU_Deal()

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim objContact As ContactItem
Dim objNameSpace As NameSpace
Dim objFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim stDRN As String

stDRN = [Forms]![frmProjectSummary]![DealerRepName]

Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNameSpace = appOutLook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objFolder = objNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)

With objFolder.Items(stDRN)
LU_Deal = .Email1Address
End With

Set appOutLook = Nothing
Set objNameSpace = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing

Exit Function

Hope this helps...

AAAh a step in the right direction , but now i cannot get access the the details of each recipient like the Phone no, fax no ,email , building etc.
if i use olAE.Details , it displays the properties box for the current user , but i need to get the details displayed in the properties into the app ..

here is my code:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olAL As Outlook.AddressList
Dim olAE As Outlook.AddressEntry

Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

For Each olAL In olNS.AddressLists

On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
currentaddressbook = olAL.Name
AddCount = olAL.AddressEntries.Count

If currentaddressbook = "Global Address List" Then
For Each olAE In olAL.AddressEntries
With olAE
vName = .Name
vaddr = .Address
vDispType = .DisplayType
vType = .Type
vSesion = .Session
vID = .ID
Debug.Print vDispType, vName
If vDispType = 0 Then .Details 'this displays the porperties dilog, but i need to get the 'info into variables.
End With
End If
Set olApp = Nothing
End Sub
After a little fiddling the only pieces that I can grab are names, emails, and class. There should be a way to access the info about the individual. It might be contained somewhere else and the .details pulls that up based on a relation to the ID of each individual.

I'll keep digging to pull out more info but we have a start here.

Here is how I tweaked your code to run through the address book and display name, email, and class in a message box (Also you can append each string to a field in a recordset):

Private Sub cmdOLAdd_Click()

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olAL As Outlook.AddressList
Dim olAE As Outlook.AddressEntry
Dim currentAddressbook As String
Dim stName, stClass, stAdd, stID As String

Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

For Each olAL In olNS.AddressLists

currentAddressbook = olAL.name

If currentAddressbook = "Global Address List" Then
For Each olAE In olAL.AddressEntries
With olAE
stID = .ID
stClass = .Class
stName = .name
stAdd = .Address
End With
MsgBox stID & vbTab & stName & vbTab & stAdd & vbTab & stClass
End If
Set olApp = Nothing

End Sub
Awesome ! Thanks , i keep bashing at it my self , and i'll let u know if i find anything.

Hope u or i find somthing soon.

support.microsoft.com article Q179083 has an excellent example of getting information from the global address book using collaborative data objects (CDO).

Hope that helps!

Keyser Soze

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