I do realize my code my not be the best or even good but I am new to this so please don't judge to harshly..
Ok what I am need is Last Name 'F%'
What I get is 'Last Name 'F%''
MyData = Data + " like " + " '" + ADV + "%"
adoPrimaryRS.Open "SELECT [First Name],[Last Name],[Address],[Phone #],[License],[Year],[Make&Model],[Engine Info],[Vin #],[Work Done],[Phone#2],[EXT1],[EXT2] from Customers Where " + MyData, db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
Data works and ADV works but the Where places a ' before the lastname and after the F%' .
Please help how can I stop this!!
I am using vb6...
Ok what I am need is Last Name 'F%'
What I get is 'Last Name 'F%''
MyData = Data + " like " + " '" + ADV + "%"
adoPrimaryRS.Open "SELECT [First Name],[Last Name],[Address],[Phone #],[License],[Year],[Make&Model],[Engine Info],[Vin #],[Work Done],[Phone#2],[EXT1],[EXT2] from Customers Where " + MyData, db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
Data works and ADV works but the Where places a ' before the lastname and after the F%' .
Please help how can I stop this!!
I am using vb6...