Please help me! I want to create a waiting loop for a few second in the flash. But flash have not a WAIT command. Please help for how to make a waiting for flash in my flash work???
The easiest is to put a stop action on a keyframe and design a continue button (that can appear only on this stopped frame and dissapear as soon as it is hit), that the user can hit to continue at his own pace. Otherwise, guess you'll have to use a getTimer script to only pause for a pre-determined time!
Now back in your main movie, from the library - CTRL L -, drag the timer clip on stage, doesn't matter where, it's invisible.
Add a keyframe in your action layer if you have one, where you want the movie to pause.
Set the following actions on this new keyframe:
Have you noticed I lost my s...!
Guess the powers of darkness, the bad side of the force, and the red flags are waking up again!
Oh! Well! It was fun while it lasted!
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