This is an old post so it may not be relevant anymore - but then again someone may find it useful.
here's one I did earlier. Run it from a batch file and it will extract all messages from todays log and manipulate the file to create a final csv containing the nodename, time and message text. The cautil command is in bold.
:: Export todays date to tempory file - in form of "day date" eg Fri 07/05/2002
date /t > d:\tng\logs\date.txt
:: Set the Date as variable "today"
for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%i in (d:\tng\logs\date.txt) do set today=%%j/%%i/%%k
:: Select all messages from todays CA log and output to csv file cautil sel conlog msg='*' START=%today%,00:00 LI CONLOG OUT=c:\tng\logs\conlog.csv EXPAND=No
:: Select the date from the temp file. Strip off the slashes and set it as variable "filename"
for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%i in (d:\tng\logs\date.txt) do set FileName=%%i%%j%%k
:: Extract the interesting bits from the csv file (date, time, node, message) and output to final csv file
:: Filename is CompleteLog_%filename%.csv EG "CompleteLog_07052002.csv"
for /F "tokens=1-26 delims=," %%a in (d:\tng\logs\conlog.csv) do echo %%a,%%b,%%d,%%x%%y%%z >> d:\tng\logs\CompleteLog_%FileName%.csv
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