I don't believe it can be done. I have tried to do that with a MSHflexgrid and a MSflexgrid. It depends on what you are trying to do as to what suggestions I can give you. I was trying to populate a table with sales data and allow for drill downs into what made up the data like:
Division Sales Cost Profit Loss
Paper $500 $300 $200 $0
Plastics $600 $700 $0 $100
I wanted to list all of the divisions separately and then click on Paper under Division and select the type of paper and then show the Sales,Cost,etc for that one entry under that Division. I chose to use text boxes arranged like a spread sheet and then use the click event on the text box or a label on that row to open up another form with a MSHflexgrid and populate it with all of the products under that particular division such as Colored paper, white paper, ultra white paper, construction paper, etc... I would also show the corresponding data for that subdivision. I can give you more suggestions if you would like them.
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