My computer crashed and i could recovery the micros.db and micros.log files, but when i copy them to the new computer i receive a message when start Pos Configurator:
No secondary server address
Database startup permited
Initialized logging OK
3700d complete client interface initialized OK
Starting SrvcStartDb.exe version []
completed db_init()
Obtained dbServername of sqlMICROSEM
Attempting to start as an NT Service
SERVICE STOPPED: Error starting database.
dwWin32Exitcode 0 (0x0) dwServiceSpecificExitCode 0 (0x)
***ERROR*** Failed to start SQL Engine as a service.
***ERROR*** Will rest a bit and try to start again.
Obtained dbServername of sqlMICROSEM
Attempting to start as an NT Service
I want to ask if this have some kind of sultion, or my database file is damage completly.
Windows Server 2003
Micros 3700 4.9 version of EM
I have a backup of a few days before, but in the course of this backup and today I captured information and generated packages that are already in the client stores.
Thanks in advanced.
No secondary server address
Database startup permited
Initialized logging OK
3700d complete client interface initialized OK
Starting SrvcStartDb.exe version []
completed db_init()
Obtained dbServername of sqlMICROSEM
Attempting to start as an NT Service
SERVICE STOPPED: Error starting database.
dwWin32Exitcode 0 (0x0) dwServiceSpecificExitCode 0 (0x)
***ERROR*** Failed to start SQL Engine as a service.
***ERROR*** Will rest a bit and try to start again.
Obtained dbServername of sqlMICROSEM
Attempting to start as an NT Service
I want to ask if this have some kind of sultion, or my database file is damage completly.
Windows Server 2003
Micros 3700 4.9 version of EM
I have a backup of a few days before, but in the course of this backup and today I captured information and generated packages that are already in the client stores.
Thanks in advanced.