I'm looking for some assistance in either getting a start in extending the ASP.NET 2.0 membership provider or purchasing someone's efforts.
My business model requires the following:
The main account that gets created is for the company purchasing our services.
Once that account is create (it is not a log in account), then they can set up multiple log-in accounts that would be tied to that first account. Children so to speak.
Also, these "child" accounts have either admin or restricted access. The "admin" account would be able to update the master account as well as the child login accounts. Restricted would just be able to use the web site as a paying customer.
Does anyone have something like this, or would be willing to help me out with this even for a fee?
I love small animals, especially with a good brown gravy....
My business model requires the following:
The main account that gets created is for the company purchasing our services.
Once that account is create (it is not a log in account), then they can set up multiple log-in accounts that would be tied to that first account. Children so to speak.
Also, these "child" accounts have either admin or restricted access. The "admin" account would be able to update the master account as well as the child login accounts. Restricted would just be able to use the web site as a paying customer.
Does anyone have something like this, or would be willing to help me out with this even for a fee?
I love small animals, especially with a good brown gravy....